Chapter 2: Birth of Kopa

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"Sire, everything will be fine."

Simba turned his head over his shoulder as Zazu landed beside him. He licked his lips as he thought about what to say to his adviser. He knew that Zazu meant well and he had been here before, with his own father when he was born.

"Everyone keeps saying that, but what happens if it's not. Something could go wrong," protested Simba as he thrust a paw against Priderock.

Zazu looked around as if he really wasn't sure what to say. He then flapped his wings ever so slightly to hover besides Simba's shoulder. "Yes, they can, but Taylani is a gifted healer. She wouldn't let anything happen to Nala."

Simba didn't say anything more as he took back to pacing. He thought about everything that could possibly go wrong. What could go wrong by far outweighed how things could go perfectly. He tried to lift his ears as he tried to hear, but he couldn't hear anything inside in there. He longed to go in, but Taylani had specifically told him to stay outside until she came to get him.

When he was tired of pacing he just sat until he heard someone coming out of the den. He darted to his paws and nearly plowed Tayalni over.

"How is she," fretted Simba.

"She's fine. Everything went well. I'll let you in as well if you promise that you won't overwhelm her," murmured Tayalni.

Simba shook his head. "I won't. I promise!"

Taylani waved her head slightly. "Alright, go ahead in. Taygar is in there now to make sure that she is comfortable. Don't pay him much mind."

Simba dipped his head as he padded into the dark den. The smell of sweat and exhaustion clung like a cloud in the den. Simba narrowed his eyes a bit to try and force his eyes to adjust to the darkness.

Once his eyes did he saw Nala laying in the back of the den, stretched out slightly. Her eyes opened before she smiled. "You came," she breathed.

Simba strode forward and arched his neck, purring loudly as he touched his nose to her muzzle. "Of course I came. I've been outside this entire time until Taylani told me that I could come in. How are you feeling?"

Nala shifted a bit. "A little tired, but other than that I'm fine." She then broke into a purr. "Would you like to see your son?"

At the mention of a son, Simba's face lifted. He couldn't help but purring once more as he looked at her. "Yes, please!"

Nala lifted herself gingerly away from a tiny scrap of damp fur. He whimpered slightly as he began to knead his mother's stomach for milk. He was amber and yellow colored, just like how Simba had been when he was born. He had a tiny tuft of brownish fur on top of his head and Simba could only imagine how handsome his eyes would be.

"He's beautiful," murmured Simba as he laid down heavily at Nala's side. He then licked her cheek before he looked to the young kit. "What should we name him?"

Nala shrugged. "I'm not sure."

Simba then lowered his head toward the cub. He suddenly shot out a paw and smacked it against Simba's nose. Simba drew back in surprise with his whiskers twitching. "He's strong! And he has heart, I can tell."

"Heart," echoed Nala as she blinked her eyes slowly. "How about Kopa?"

"Kopa. I love it," exclaimed Simba as he grasped Nala's paw in his own and pressed against each other in pure affection. "He will have the most powerful heart and pride that anyone will ever know. He will be the next king of the Pridelands. He will follow in my pawsteps."

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