Chapter 16: Fighting Tabockie

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Kopa took off across the pridelands. He knew that he was going to be in a lot of trouble when he went home, if he went home, but he didn't care. He didn't want to even look at his father right now. Vitani was his friend and if he didn't see that, then he wasn't going to be around him.

He continued to the watering hole, decided that he would get a drink before he took off to see if he could see Vitani in the dark.

He lowered down and began to drink in eager gulps. He hadn't visited the watering hole in sometime and he forgot how amazing this water tasted.


Kopa lifted his head and turned his head. He immediately bared his teeth as he saw the form of Tabockie standing there. He shoved his ears forward and worked his claws against the ground. "Get back," he spat with his back arching in anger.

Tabockie seemed to take the hint that he wasn't one to be messed with as he drew backwards slowly. "Kopa, I just want to speak to you," he began.

Kopa shook his head as he continued to bare his teeth. "I don't want to talk to you, Tabockie! Now, leave before I claw your pelt," he threatened.

"Kopa, I never meant for your friend to die. That was never meant to happen," exclaimed Tabockie as he shook his head madly.

Before Kopa could stop himself, he launched himself at Tabockie. He sunk his claws into Tabockie's shoulders and held him down, thumping his head against the ground. Tabockie let out a whimper as he looked up into Kopa's eyes in terror. He gulped as his eyes pleaded with Kopa.

Kopa would have liked just to hold him there and squeeze his claws against his flank until he begged for mercy, but he knew that that wasn't him. He growled to himself as he lashed his tail against the ground. "Leave, Tabockie. Leave and never let me catch you here or I will kill you," Kopa spat.

Tabockie lowered his head into his shoulders as he drew backwards. He gulped as he opened his mouth to say something, but clearly thought better of it. He drew back with the fur along his back standing on end. "T-Thank you, Kopa," he cackled nervously. "I'm still so sorry." With that he turned and darted forward with his claws curling into the dust as he ran.

Kopa growled to himself as he scratched him behind the ears. He then shook his head to clear it and arched his back as he yawned. It was nearly pitch black and there was no way that he was going back home and the Outlands were too far. He decided that he would just spend the night there if he could.

He looked around before he saw the log that he usually found grubs under. He climbed into the log and curled into a ball. He yawned as he rested his head on his paws and prayed that tomorrow would be better.

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