Chapter 15: Forbidden

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Kopa made his way up priderock as Kiara bounded over him, purring and arching her back against Kopa's neck and purring. "Hi! How was it?"

"Great! I met Vitani and she took me back to her home to meet her family," he explained as they padded forward, side by side. "It was actually pretty good. They're all very nice and seemed to like me."

Kiara purred. "Good! Maybe one day you'll fall in love," she taunted.

Kopa shoved her hard, but in amusement. "Don't even think about it! We're friends, that's it," he shot back sternly as he flicked his paw against her ear.

Nala padded up after it and she smiled. "Looks like someone had a good day."

"Oh yeah," agreed Kopa as he bounded forward as he lowered into a crouch, rearing on his hind legs and pushing against Kiara. Kiara laughed as they began to wrestle under Simba and Nala's watchful gaze.

"They're good cubs," breathed Nala as she looked at her mate.

Simba dipped his head. "Yeah, I guess that they are," he breathed.

Suddenly, Simba's eyes widened. He let out a snort as he strode forward as he looked at both Kopa and Kiara. "What is that smell?!"

The two of them froze and drew away from each other. They exchanged a glance as they looked at their paws. They pretended to act dumb as they smiled.

Simba began to sniff at Kiara first before he drew away. He then turned to Kopa and he only had to take one whiff before he drew back and growled. "You smell like the Outlands!"

"Well, I was hunting close to there and that could be why I smell like it," Kopa suggested with a shrug.

Simba sniffed him once more before he drew back and shook his head. "No! Don't lie to me! You smell like a lioness that I wouldn't like to remember. What were you doing there?!"

"I have a friend there," answered Kopa in an almost quivering voice. "Her name is Vitani and I play with her a lot."

A growl sounded in the back of Simba's throat as Nala joined him. "I forbid you from going anywhere near the border or anywhere near her," ordered Simba with his lips peeling back in a snarl.

Kopa shook his head. "No! She's my friend and I don't want to just turn my back on her!"

"Don't make me force you to stay here where I can keep an eye on you," threatened Simba as his claws jutted out from his paws.

Kopa's eyes widened. "You wouldn't."

"I would do whatever I can to keep you safe, as my father did to me," Simba explained.

Fury lit in Kopa's eyes as he looked up at his father with rage making his lips curling. "You will never be Mufasa!"

With that he turned and bounded into the den, snarling to himself. Simba was about to follow him, but Nala bounded forward to block his path. "Let me try to speak to him," she offered. "I might be able to get through to him where you can't."

Simba nodded as she strode forward and into the den. She found Kopa laying in the back of the den in almost a ball. She let out a small meow as she tried to let him know that she was right behind him. "Kopa, may I come in?"

"You're already in, so yeah," muttered Kopa as he curled his tail around his haunches.

Nala came over and laid down beside him. "Look, your father just worries about you and he means well. I agree with him," she confessed.

"Vitani is my friend! I won't stop spending time with her, just because she's in the Outlands," he half growled, half spat.

The fur along Nala's spine stood on end. "You're going to have to. Your father and I do nothing unless we know that it's for your benefit."

"Don't," muttered Kopa as he turned away. "Just leave me alone."

Nala tilted her head. "Don't push me away, Kopa."

"Leave. Me. Alone," he whispered breathlessly. "Just go away. I want to be alone."

Nala's heart almost broke in her chest as she gave him a lick and rose to her paws. "Alright, stay in here until we say otherwise, okay?"

Kopa nodded. "Fine."

Nala rose to her paws and strode out. Once she was gone, Kopa looked around. The last thing that he wanted was to obey and stay. He wanted to see Vitani even more than normal.

He managed to find a weak spot as he pushed himself out of the den and he bounded toward the pridelands. They couldn't control him any longer. He knew what he wanted and what he wanted was Vitani.

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