Chapter 5: Tresspasser

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"You're going to have a brother or a sister," repeated Simba as he nudged his son.

Kopa's eyes widened in surprise as if he couldn't believe what he had heard. He looked up at his parents as he saw them exchange a glance of fear.

"Are you sure about that," asked Kopa.

Nala let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah, pretty sure," she answered timidly.

Kopa gave a nod before he looked up at them with an unreadable expression on his face. "Oh, okay," he sighed as he strode forward with his tail dragging against the stone.

Simba frowned as Nala sighed and pushed her head against his shoulder. "He didn't take that well," murmured Nala as she buried her muzzle into his mane.

"I'll talk to him. See if I can know anything more about why he's so touchy on this," Simba offered as he licked her cheek. "Just give us some father son time."

Nala nodded as Simba strode forward, thinking about what he would say to his son. He wanted to think that Kopa would have taken this better, but he knew better than to assume. Kopa was a very confusing cub at times, but he was sure that they would have this all sorted out by morning.

"Kopa, may I come in," asked Simba as he stood at the entrance of priderock.


Simba barely heard the mumble, but even if Kopa told him no, he would still have to go in. He was just glad that he had given Kopa the choice and Kopa had chosen to allow him in.

He came into the darkness and saw Kopa laying in the corner, facing the wall. He made no motion that he knew that his father was there and Simba thought that that would be best.

He lowered down beside his son and nudged him gingerly. "Hey, can we speak," he asked when Kopa shied away from him. "Tom to tom?"

"I don't need to talk about anything," Kopa mumbled.

"I think that you do. Now, look at me. I want to have you looking at me when we speak," explained Simba firmly.

Kopa sighed as he turned around to look at his father. His eyes narrowed slightly, but he met his father's gaze. "What?"

"I want to know how you're feeling about your mother and I having another cub, a littermate for you," explained Simba as he nudged his son.

Kopa shrugged. "I don't know. I like how it is now with just the three of us and the rest of the pride."

"Kopa, just because our family is getting bigger, doesn't mean that it isn't getting more beautiful. You may love that brother and sister even more than you love us," joked Simba.

Kopa frowned. "Maybe."

"Just give it a chance," murmured Simba as he cuffed Kopa affectionately around the ear. Kopa seemed a bit surprised as he rolled away, his eyes showing in surprise. "And nothing will change between the two of us, I promise."

Kopa forced a smile as he brushed his head against Simba's chest as he slumped against him. He yawned to himself as he curled up against his father's chest and rested one paw on Simba's massive paw.

"Will it be a brother or a sister," wondered Kopa drowsily.

"I don't know," answered Simba as he rested his own head on the other side of Kopa so that his neck was covering him. "But, I'm sure that it'll be fun, no matter what it is."

Kopa nodded as he drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


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