Chapter 23: What Do We Do Now?

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Simba trekked across the pridelands and let out a deep sigh when he saw the freshly turned soil that was probably where Kopa was buried. He veered toward it before he sat beside the grave. He rested a paw onto it before he thought about what to say.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you, Kopa. I wish I had been there to help you and to stop the pain you felt when you died. I know that I will see you again one day. I only wish that it wouldn't have been so soon that we were separated. Please, forgive me," he breathed as he bowed his head over the grave.


Simba turned his head and saw his mate standing a few paces from him. She looked more composed now than she had been earlier. Her eyes were still misty in grief, but at least she wasn't crying any longer. However, Simba felt like he couldn't compose himself anymore.

Nala drew over to him and his face crumpled as he pressed his head against Nala's shoulder. Nala lifted a paw and rubbed his back and tried to murmur comforting words in his ear.

"He's gone," sobbed Simba as he shook his head. "He's gone!"

"I know. I know," breathed Nala as nuzzled him gingerly. "I know that he's gone."

"What did I do wrong," Simba whimpered as he allowed Nala to help him lay down. "What did I do so wrong that the stars would take him away from me."

Nala shook her head. "I don't know why things happen the way that they do. But, I do know that they happened for a reason. We just don't know that reason yet, but one day we will. You just need to have faith. You'll see him again someday."

Simba began to close his eyes. "Then where do we go from here?"

"I don't know yet," answered Nala as she turned her head to the moon that showed above. "But, we have to keep living on. That's all that we can do. That's what Kopa would want us to do."

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