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Vitani whimpered as she curled into a ball at her home. She was tucked deep inside her mountain with both paws pressed against her eyes. Everyone had stayed away from her and she wasn't even sure why.

"Hey, Vitani, want to fight," challenged Kovu as he bounded forward slightly, lowering into a battle crouch.

Vitani lifted her head as anger burned in her gaze. "Get away, Kovu!"

Kovu drew back wit surprise in his eyes. His ears flattened a bit against his head as he huffed. "Alright, alright, you don't have to yell," he grunted as he turned and strode backwards.

He passed Zira and he shook his head. "I wouldn't go back there if I were you. She's acting like she has burrs in her pelt!"

Zira didn't say anything, but she did come forward. She came over to Vitani and looked at her mother as she approached. She turned, since she wasn't even sure what to say to her. She just wanted to be alone; was that too much to ask?

"Vitani, you've hardly eaten anything. Is everything alright," she asked as she lowered down and scooted closer to her daughter.

Vitani shook her head. "Someone killed Kopa. I found his body with scratches and bite marks," explained Vitani as she looked away.

"It was probably some kind of hyena or something. They're terrible here," Zira pointed out as she looked at her daughter. "I'm so sorry. I know that you liked him."

Vitani whimpered as she leaned forward and pressed her head against Zira's chest. Zira purred as she tried to comfort her daughter. "It hurts mom!"

"I know. I know that it does. But, you'll be stronger because of it and I promise that I won't let your heart be broken ever again."

Zira then smiled from behind her daughter and a purr escaped her throat. "This is only the beginning."

Lone Lion: Kopa's Story (Lion King Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now