Chapter 1: News

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Claws scraped against the side of a rock as a massive lion with a bushy mane scaled the side of a massive rock. His eyes were slightly narrowed against the setting sun as he saw a beautiful lioness with almost sandy, grayish fur. Her tail tip was twitching behind her as she looked out against the entire landscape in front of her.

"You wanted to see me."

The lioness turned her head ever so slightly to meet the gaze of the lion. "Simba, I'm glad that you're here," she breathed as she arched her neck and touched her nose to her mate's muzzle, purring deeply.

Simba came on her side and licked her cheek once more. "Of course I'm here, Nala. Zazu told me that you wanted to see me and here I am."

Nala dipped her head as she looked out across the Pride Lands once more. She breathed heavily before she skirted her paw against the ground. "I've been meaning to speak to you about something, but I thought that now was a good of a time as any."

"Talk to me about something," echoed Simba almost in fear. "Does it have something to do with me?"

Nala's eyes glowed in amusement. "Yes, this definitely has something to do with you. This couldn't have happened without you."

Simba tilted his head as he tried to figure out what Nala was talking about. She didn't usually talk in riddles, but when she did he could never figure them out. "Happened without me? Nala, I don't know what you mean."

Nala knew that Simba wasn't going to get it, so she just decided to tell him. "Simba, I'm expecting your kits."

It dawned on Simba immediately as his eyes widened. He faced her and he couldn't help a giant smile show on his face. "R-Really?"

"I wouldn't lie to you," snorted Nala in amusement.

Simba purred no loudly that he could barely hear himself think. "When?"

"In about three moons," answered Nala.

"How many?"

Nala rolled her eyes. "I don't know."

"Right," Simba meowed before he pushed his nose against hers and purred once more. "I'm so excited! I'm going to be a father! You're going to be a mother!"

Nala then extended her tail and intertwined her tail with Simba's tail. The two then pushed their foreheads together as they sat together for what felt like a while.

Nala then jumped and panic set into Simba. "Nala, are you okay?"

"Give me your paw," she commanded.

Simba lifted his paw as Nala took his paw and placed it against her underbelly. Simba was surprised, but after a few heartbeats he felt a soft kick against his paw. He was immediately about to draw back, before he realized what that was.

"It's our kit, isn't it," whispered Simba in awe.

Nala me his gaze before she nodded slowly. "It sure was," she whispered in his ear. "Just think that that little kick is going to turn into a lion with just as much power and pride as it's father."

"And as much intelligence as it's mother," murmured Simba as he looked up to the sky. He puffed out his chest in pride as he closed his eyes.

Did you hear that, father? I'm going to be a father myself. I just hope that I will be just as good to them as you were to me.

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