Chapter 22: Bringing him Home

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Simba limped forward with blood still trickling from his nose and his shoulder. But, his physical pain meant nothing to him. His emotional pain was what was hurting him the most.

He struggled to look down at his son when he thought about all that he would never do. Everything that he had done, Kopa would never do. He had promised to always protect him like his father had done for him, but he hadn't. He had failed as a father when it came to Kopa.


Simba forced himself to look up as Zazu landed on a rock beside him. He gasped when he saw Kopa and Simba set him down gingerly.

"Zazu, I need you to round up the pride and have them meet at priderock. Don't tell them anything yet, please," Simba meowed lightly.

Zazu gulped before he seemed to shake out of it as he fluttered his wings. "Yes, of course, sire!" He took to the air and flew away, leaving Simba alone for a fear heartbeats.

Simba then picked up Kopa once more and forced himself back to priderock. He though about what he would say to everyone about his son and what happened. He wasn't sure what he was going to say yet. But, he knew that he would have to tell the truth. Kiara already knew and he was sure that Nala had gotten something out of her by now.

He let out a deep breath as he climbed the rockface with his claws curling into the rock and hauling himself forward. He squeezed his eyes shut in pain and held his breath.

"Simba," gasped Taylani, since she was the first one to see him. "What happened."

Simba didn't answer as more gasps rose up around him. He closed his eyes and fought the tears that threatened to fall again. He gingerly set Kopa down and licked his flank once more. He started to close Kopa's eyes so that he looked like he was sleeping. Even though that he knew that he wasn't, it was almost peaceful for him.

"Simba," breathed Nala as she drew toward her mate and blinked her eyes.

Simba looked to her before he touched his forehead to hers and sighed heavily. "He's gone, Nala. He's gone."

Nala began to cry as she pressed her head against Simba's shoulder. Simba lifted a paw and hugged her close as she cried. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Kiara curling around her brother and pressing her head against his chest.

Simba finally drew away from Nala and looked to the rest of the lionesses and lions around him. They were all looking at him to say something, announce what had happened. He wasn't about to leave them in the dark.

"Kopa was murdered by Zira of the Outlands. He made a friend with her daughter and Zira used that to kill him. She had just waged war against the pridelands even more than normal. Now, I'm not telling you to scout for them, but if they cross the border then show them no mercy. They will not go unpunished," Simba growled as he curled his claws into the ground.

There were whimpers and murmurs around and Simba felt his blood run cold as he thought about how everyone would remember his son. They could think of him as a traitor for having a friend in the Outlands. He knew that he couldn't control that, but he would always remember him as a wonderful lion that would have one day been a fantastic king. He would never have that chance.

Nala suddenly lifted her head and roared as loudly as she could manage. The rest of the pride joined in as they lifted their heads and roared as loudly as they could manage.

Once their throats were raw from the effort, they stopped. Simba was the last one to break off and it was only when he felt a tail placed comfortingly on his shoulder. He turned his head slightly and saw that it was Taylani.

"We need to talk," she whispered in his ear. "It's about Kopa's death."

The last thing that Simba wanted to talk about, ironically, was Kopa's death. But, he knew that Taylani was going to force him to, whether he agreed to it or not. He let out a loud sigh as he nodded. "Very well."

"Come to the edge when you're ready," she told him as she brushed her muzzle against Simba's shoulder.

Simba looked down to his son once more as he licked the tuft of his fur that he had always made fun of. He swiveled his head around and looked over to Nala and Kiara. They were both laying around Kopa and Simba couldn't believe how quiet his mate was. The only thing that he could hear from her were her sobs.

He came over and kneeled beside her, allowing her to touch her wet nose to his. "Take them to bury Kopa. I have to speak to Taylani," he told her.

"You don't want to come," Nala whispered.

"I need to be alone with my son at his grave," answered Simba firmly.

Nala seemed to understand that. "Alright. We'll be back later," she whispered in his ear as she lowered down and picked up Kopa by the scruff. Kiara watched her before Simba gave her a tiny nudge after her haunch and she bounded forward, joining Kapro at his side.

Once everyone had left for the burial, he reluctantly came up to Taylani's side. He thought that she was a talented healer, but whenever he was alone with her, it wasn't good.

He sat beside her and watched the sun start to set. "What," he asked cooly.

"I wanted to let you know that I warned Kopa about this," Taylani explained.

Simba's ear twitched. "What do you mean?"

"I gave him a prophecy that warned him that warned him about having a relationship with and Outland lioness. The stars gave it to me and I warned him. He just didn't heed it," explained Taylani.

Simba turned on her with his teeth bared, but she didn't even flinch. "Don't make this my son's fault," he spat with his fur bristling along his spine.

Taylani shook her head calmly. "I'm not saying that at all. I just explained it to him. What happened after that, not even the stars could see."

Simba drew backwards as he let out a deep growl. He didn't say anything else as he leaped from the priderock and headed to the pridelands, to see his son for the last time.

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