Chapter 18: Zira's Plan

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"Mother, why aren't I allowed to see Kopa anymore," protested Vitani as her eyes stretched wide and tears threatened to leak from them.

Zira looked at her daughter and smiled in sympathy. "I know that you care about him, Vitani, and I understand that. But, I just don't think that it's a good idea. You saw his father today. If I wouldn't have shown up he would have made a meal out of you!"

"I don't think so," argued Vitani. "Kopa wouldn't have let him!"

"And what was he doing while his father came towards you? Hmm? Nothing! He would have just let you die right in front of him," she pointed out as she drew toward her daughter. "I'm just thinking about your safety."

She shook her head as he looked at her paws. "But, Kopa's my friend and I care about him and he cares about me. We're really, really good friends." She felt her heart slightly patter. I don't want to not see him again."

"He can't come here and you can't come here and don't even think about defying me. I will know," Zira told her daughter firmly when their eyes met.

Vitani wanted to argue, clearly, but knew that there was no point to it. Her mother was always firm and usually always won. There would be no way that Vitani would win this argument and she knew it. "Okay, mom," she sighed with her ears plastered against her head in defeat.

Zira leaned forward and gave her a long lick between the ears and on her cheek. "I love you, my little one. I'm glad that you came around to see my point of view," she whispered before she nudged her haunches. "Now, go and get ready for bed. The sun is nearly down and we have a bit day tomorrow." She watched her daughter go, before she headed around their den.

Their den was more or less a mountain that had been taken over by anthills and termites, but it was home. None of the lions or lionesses complained, since they knew their alternative was be in the Outlands alone and no one wanted that. There were other predators that could easily kill or injure a lone lion.

Zira climbed onto of the dens and found the familiar sight of the gray pelt of her sister. "Zikra, I need your advice."

The ragged lioness lifted her head as she swallowed a mouthful of termites, the best food that she could find in her condition. "Zira, what do I owe this pleasure? No one usually ventures to see the scout anymore," she grumbled as she scratched at her ear with her hind leg.

Zira leaped up beside her and touched noses to her. "This is important. This has to do with the pridelands."

The fur along Zikra's spine stood on end and began to bristle dangerously. "Why would you want anything to do with that awful place," hissed Zikra hotly.

"Because Simba is there and one day when he's rid of there it will be ours," she exclaimed as she thrust a paw down. Dust wafted up, sending the two lionesses into a coughing spell.

"Well, coughed Zikra as she waved her paw in front of her face. "How do you think that you're going to be able to manage that?"

Zira thought hard as she drummed her claws against the ground. "I suppose a trap would be the best way when he's off his game and not as alert as he should be."

Zikra met her sister's gaze. "And do you have an idea as to how to accomplish that?" She licked her lips slightly.

Zira gave a slight nod as her eyes narrowed to slits. "Yeah, I think I have just the thing."

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