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Staring into the flames of the crackling log fire, she settled back in the armchair. Sinking into the generous throws and cushions she possessively gripped the neck of a bottle of Dalaran Red. Wiggling her cold toes contentedly in front of the glorious heat, she sighed as its warmth slowly spread up her legs. She was mesmerised by the dancing flames; they were hypnotic, drawing her in, inviting her to relax and reflect on all that had happened.

Sarah had grown rather attached to the little cottage at the top of the hill just outside Stormwind's city gates. She had acquired it a week ago all thanks to her friend, Erik Longmaster, Supreme hunter. His self proclamation always made her smile.

The dwarf hunter had taken Drew out for a night of drunken debauchery. The thought of those two out drinking together amused Sarah no end. Erik seemed to have adopted Drew. Perhaps he saw him as a substitute for Thaerei, the night elf mage who died during the battle in Goldshire almost two years earlier.

Her mind wandered back to the day she, Lukha, Anduin, Thaerei and Erik had went hunting in Elwynn Forest. Having playfully teased the night elf about his being the dwarf's hunter pet, Thaerei had quickly dispatched the boar which Erik had in his sights with a frost bolt. The action had pissed Erik off, but the night elf had merely done it to demonstrate he was the best "pet" Erik had. They had been close friends and regularly engaged in little competitive jousts all in good humour. Thaerei's calm nature and dry humour complemented Erik's brashness. They worked well together. It was an interminably sad day when the young night elf died in battle. Sarah took a swig from her bottle to try stem the sadness at his loss.

While the task ahead posed all sorts of dangers and threats, she was strangely calm about it. Perhaps the influence of the naaru had instilled an inner peace. She knew not, but it was a nice place to be for now.

Even her feelings towards Khadgar were not quite as tinged with bitterness as they were a few days ago. She still played their most intimate moments back in her mind, she could not deny their beauty, no matter how things had turned out. And yes, she felt a stirring when she looked at him still. But she had come to accept that she had stepped into his world, where his priority was to make certain decisions and choices for the good of Azeroth. There were certain events and destinies she, a mere visitor, would not be able to change. He had told her that a long time ago: another memory flashed, of them standing at the bottom of the Keep's steps, her weeping about the pending outcome of The Broken Shore invasion, "There are some things, Sarah, that cannot be changed, no matter how desperately we wish them." How true his words resonated with her now.

She settled back in her chair and with another swig of the Dalaran Red, contemplated the days ahead.

She settled back in her chair and with another swig of the Dalaran Red, contemplated the days ahead

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The Dark Times Will Pass -  Book 2Where stories live. Discover now