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The Illidari and accompanying allies would need to be on their way soon, to help those already at the Temple grounds with the closing of the portal

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The Illidari and accompanying allies would need to be on their way soon, to help those already at the Temple grounds with the closing of the portal. Nevertheless, Illidan understood the Archmage wanted some time alone with Sarah. He left the room allowing Khadgar some privacy with the woman who obviously meant so much to him.

Pulling up a stool, Khadgar sat quietly beside the bunk, holding Sarah's hand gently caressing her fingers with his thumb.

He was still recovering from the thought of having lost her; the contraction of his heart combined with its now fervoured beat was almost crippling. But it was also an undeniable indication of what this woman meant to him. It seemed things had come full circle, he thought with a wistful smile as he looked upon her face. There was no doubt they felt deeply for each other, and both, in their own ways, had at some point loved each other as if it were the last time together.

He, when prior to the battle in Goldshire, had learned of his pending election to Leader of the Kirin Tor, knew it meant he could never be with her the way a man should be with his woman. So, he had decided to return her to where she came from, thinking she could find happiness with someone from her own world. Before doing so, even though he hated himself for such selfishness, he had purposefully went to Stormwind and lay with her one more time. He had so desperately needed her, desired her. It was also then he realised how deeply he loved her and that added to the agony that she may indeed find someone new in her own world.

Similarly, she had loved him just as passionately. "...Grant me this one last embrace. I beg you! Do this and I will ask no more from you. Ever." She had said. Understanding the finality in her plea caused a renewed flare of pain in his chest for he now knew the true meaning behind her words. She had offered up her life for the good of Azeroth and all who lived in it. She had even tried to ensure that he would love again, "Never be afraid to love, Khadgar. Please, do not forget that."

If he had been stubborn and blind enough to the last ... He shuddered. It did not bear thinking about. "No more secrets," he whispered, gently squeezing her hand and fighting back an unbidden tear. "That goes for both of us."

It seemed fate would not allow them to be parted at any cost. For this, he would be eternally grateful; and also to Illidan. To think the Stormrage brother Sarah had so fiercely defended from the first time she had stood in the King's court was, astonishingly, the one who ensured her survival too. It was truly demonstrative of what having an unshakable faith in someone could achieve. Yes, it had altered her, but the markings on her skin were nothing more than that, in Khadgar's eyes. She was still his Sarah, even with the demonic infusion. Her death, on the other hand, would have been unbearable.

She shifted slightly, a small moan tumbled from her lips. Her fingers curled around his; whether  subconsciously or adventitiously mattered not. He brought her hand to his lips and tenderly kissed it.

A tenuous knock at the entrance announced Drew and Erik requested admittance. Khadgar beckoned them. They approached the bunk quietly. "How is she doing?" Drew asked, his eyes fixed on his friend.

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