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As the throne room began to empty, Varian whispered to Khadgar. The Archmage proceeded to tell Sarah, Drew, Erik, Kayn and his Lieutenants to follow, and he escorted them through to a room to the rear of the throne room.

The war room. For all Sarah had been in the room during her last visit to Azeroth, she had not paid any particular attention to it then. The only thing she remembered was the large table in the centre. Now, for all there was much to be discussed and no doubt a very harrowing time ahead, she paused a little while to absorb her surroundings.

It was a fair size, adequately lit during the day from the windows which stretched the entire west facing wall. The ceiling was high, from which hung an ornate iron chandelier with approximately forty candles that would lend illumination at night. Other candelabras were dotted round at intervals.

The walls were lined with tall shelves, many containing what Sarah assumed were maps and blueprints rolled up into scrolls, tied with various cloth bands and some even sealed with the King's wax sigil. Books of various sizes, all she assumed, relating mainly to the art of warfare sat neatly in rows. Some seating was lined along the walls. An enormous stone fire surround, adorned with sculpted lion's heads at the corners under the mantle framed an iron grate, filled with logs. It was lit and afforded a welcome heat to the otherwise cold and formal room.

A large heavy wooden desk was positioned in front of the window. Quills, ink and parchment spread liberally over its surface, and a lone candle stick with a well burned candle. A leather padded chair sat tucked in under the table.

In the centre of the room was the war table. On this, an enormous map of Azeroth lay stretched between stone weights each the size of a small dinner plate and decorated with the King's crest. Small carved figures and vessels lay at the table's edges for placement on the map to demonstrate naval approaches, land attacks or rescues depending on what missions were current. At the moment all figurines were in their default position, in wooden containers at the top of the table.

Already present in the room with the King, were Vindicator Ocel, Lord Genn Greymane of Gilneas, Malfurion and Tyrande, Shandris Feathermoon, Commander of the Sentinel Army and the dwarven representatives from The Council of the Warhammers.

Drew could not help but admire Sarah. It was quite a formidable gathering of heads of state and factions, but she was no longer fazed by any of them. She stood, giving the air of a seasoned strategist amongst her peers.

Compared to the social wreck he knew her as back home, this had to be the most amazing transformation he had witnessed yet - forget ravens, dragons and worgens. She belonged here! He lowered his head; that was a somewhat melancholy realisation and one he did not wish to dwell upon.

He took a back seat as the group discussed how and when the remaining brigades, weapons of war, and supplies would reach the Broken Isles and how they would be deployed once the destination was reached.

The Dark Times Will Pass -  Book 2Where stories live. Discover now