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The Fel Hammer, the Illidari base on Mardum was a bizarre construct. It consisted of two levels of command, one upper, the other lower and a third level further down again where they could rest, eat and sleep should they be so inclined. From the portal entry, a ramp led to the upper command, and opened into a central location which served as their war room.

Here, the captains of the demon hunter's allies congregated to discuss tactics and areas of their next defence or offence. They consisted of the Ashtongue, broken draenei; Coilskar, one time High Elves cursed by the Old God N'Zoth and transformed into the mainly sea-dwelling serpent-like Naga; and the Shivarra, six-armed demonic females who brandished sabres and towered well above their allies. You were wise not to stand too close to one in case you ended up with an unplanned haircut, from the neck up.

Ramps on either side of the upper command descended further into the lower chambers where services such as the repairing of damaged armour and weapons could be acquired for a reasonable fee. Some trainers were also present, enabling the Illidari to hone skills in professions that could help them earn a living in regions of Azeroth. It also offered them the opportunity to build a variety of skills which in the end, perhaps would add a pleasant distraction from the horrors of slaying demons on a daily basis.

In another lower chamber also stood a mystical forge, where the Illidari could empower their weapons with the use of ancient artifacts, making them even keener and more deadly.

Down one final level, and the vast accommodation area was made proper use of by the visiting allied forces who had returned with the body of the Illidari's beloved Lord and Master. They would only have a few hours to rest though. Time was of the essence - they had to continue with their expedition in Mardum to the west and The Seat of Command. It was the appointed site the naaru had informed Sarah they would need to take Illidan's body. There, the Twisting Nether would be best accessed to perform the ritual required to bind his spirit to his body once more.

Sarah sat on the low wall encircling the stone balcony, with her back against the vertical. Lost in thought, she played with the gem given her by Arcaena. It's Sargerite shards glistening within its felblood casing had reopened the way back to Azeroth and Sarah's beloved Khadgar. She sighed and smiled to herself as she flipped the gem between her fingers, mesmerized by the glinting luminescent green properties. She felt she had come a long way - not only physically by crossing vast distances across universes and time lines, but also on a more personal level. She no longer felt just like the disappointing and failed wife of someone back home, or the near reclusive social wreck she had then become. Now she had meaning. Purpose. A strange mixture of self pride and melancholy settled over her.

Khadgar had been checking on the injured fighters and ensuring everyone had what they needed, insisting they all fed and took the time they had left to rest. He glanced over to the balcony and on spotting Sarah, he crossed to where she sat.

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