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The last of the Pillars had been moved into position and now all five sections would finally corroborate the might of the once powerful Pantheon

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The last of the Pillars had been moved into position and now all five sections would finally corroborate the might of the once powerful Pantheon. They had been reconstructed to the north of the Temple on the outskirts of its grounds. Combined as they were, they looked almost like fingers reaching to the sky in a silent plea. Absolute in their cosmic appearance, it was hard to perceive just how they were going to close the portal that was the Tomb of Sargeras.

Suramar had still maintained the vastness of its beauty even in areas ravaged by demonic assaults. Its calming hues of purple, lilac, azure and green housing immense domed structures with exotic carvings and majestic statues still sang of an ancient and powerful elven civilisation. Now it was time for the people of Azeroth to unite and take back what was theirs. They had had enough of the Legion laying waste to all their lands and homes.

The most prestigious mages of Azeroth along with devout followers of Elune, such as Tyrande and the priestesses gathered at the base of the mystical formation. They were mumuring the incantations to harness the powers of the ancient titan artifacts.

As the Illidari arrived, all eyes turned to meet the demonised elves.

Khadgar swooped down and morphed into his human form just before he touched the ground. He was greeted by Malfurion. Together they looked up and awaited the Illidari with the rest of the allies.

"So, she managed to free him then." The Archdruid spoke, almost to himself. There was an edge to his voice; whether annoyance that the incarceration of Illidan had been undone or a nervous anticipation at meeting his estranged brother again, Khadgar could not tell.

"Yes, indeed she did," Khadgar replied. He could not hide the reverence in his voice and it did not go unnoticed.

"You believe she has made the right call?" Malfurion asked as he caught sight of his twin brother approaching.

"Yes, Malfurion, I do. I have seen what he is capable of."

"As have I." The Archdruid's voice was dark.

Khadgar could not deny Malfurion's opinion had merit, but the Archdruid it seemed did not know all the facts. Khadgar had done a little research on the quiet, trawling through the many volumes of Azeroth's history kept within the library of Karazhan. "Were you aware that when Illidan was in the employ of Kur'talos Ravencrest many of the individuals who worked under Illidan's command had willing offered themselves as sacrifices in a bid to defeat the Legion?"

The Archdruid shifted, ire rising as he bore down on Khadgar. "Lord Ravencrest was infuriated by Illidan's disobedience and his slaughter of all those good people! Even Rhonin questioned my brother's motives."

Khadgar stood, hands clasped behind his back and rocking gently on his heels. He fixed Malfrion with a steady glare. "Yes, you are correct. But, even they did not know many of the Moonguard had offered themselves so that Illidan's power would intensify."

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