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                             Dedicated to @NicoleSilverlance - an incurable romantic

and also @D_ja_vu aka 0shiva0 for being such a little star in her enthusiastic reading and voting

WARNING: Mature content follows, namely of a sexual nature. If you are in anyway offended, embarrassed or uncomfortable by this, do not read this chapter. 


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Drew had witnessed Sarah leave the camp, and so he snuck off through the trees and groundcover in hot pursuit. He thought perhaps the demon hunters had a hand in her leaving camp. He had seen Arcaena and Tiene speaking with Sarah, quite fervently, about five minutes earlier.

He did not like her venturing off on her own, especially not in this environment, although he suspected she would not be going too far. Then again, she seemed pre-occupied with something these days and no matter how he tried she would not open up about it.

He kept low, and tread as carefully as he could so not to give away his location. He patted the sword attached to his belt for reassurance should he need to defend them as they journeyed deeper into the woods.

The sound of water reached his ears and he crossed to his right, daring to close in on her shape as she slowed her pace. He watched as she stopped in front a waterfall, and lowered herself behind some bushes. He moved his head to find her point of view. Khadgar. The Archmage was bathing under the falls. Sarah! Naughty girl, he thought, grinning.

His attention moved back to her as he sensed movement. His breathing deepened a little as he witnessed her remove her clothing and slip into the water. Lowering his eyes, he questioned whether he should remain. Then again... his dark eyes glanced guiltily from under his long lashes, as he watched her step up against Khadgar's back. Even from his location, he could see how she felt being close to the man she cared for so deeply.

It was a moving scene and he willed the Archmage to turn and love her as she deserved. But what was this? He seemed to step away from her. Was he mad? Now she was upset? Angry? No! You bloody fool Khadgar, he thought.

A twig behind him snapped and he shot round, landing on his back grabbing for his sword. Tiene stood over him.

"Tiene!" he gasped. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask the same of you, Drew Stewart." She glanced at the couple in the water, her spectral sight soaking in their thermal readings. She turned back to Drew. "Ah..." she said, almost purring, "...you like to watch?" Her lips curled over her tiny fangs suggestively.

"Yes...I mean no!" he stammered. Oh god, he panicked, totally embarrassed that he had been discovered watching his friend having a very intimate moment.

She knelt down beside him deliberately swaying her backside in front of his face. He was blushing furiously. She glanced back at the falls. "Ooh!" she said, drawing his attention back to Sarah and Khadgar. He blushed deeper. 

The Dark Times Will Pass -  Book 2Where stories live. Discover now