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It had been a tragic, exhausting and costly two years during the Burning Legion's attempt to annihilate Azeroth. Many loved ones, friends and comrades had fallen in their brave attempts to defeat the demonic armies. The spawn had advanced relentlessly over the lands; homes had been destroyed, livelihoods upturned and at times, it seemed the battle was lost.

Still, the people of Azeroth had never stopped fighting. They never gave up, clutching to what little hope there was, taking risks, trusting in the unthinkable, the unlikely and the utterly impossible. And in the end, they triumphed.

The five spherical remains of the Pillars of Creation were now housed securely in the Violet Citadel in Dalaran, protected by enchantments catalogued in the book of Alodi, the first Guardian of Tirisfal. They would forever represent the courage and determination of the peoples of Azeroth.

They also paid tribute to the extraordinary woman from another dimension, whose love of the world and all in it, drove her to demonstrate that it was wise to look through glass both ways. It may seem clear from one perspective, but the view from the other side could often afford an insight that would otherwise have been overlooked.

Now, five days after the defeat of the Legion, it was time for Azeroth to grieve for the fallen. Time to say farewell to the countless brave men and women who had served their monarchs, their realms, protecting all they held dear, without question.

And amongst the brave, a great paladin, husband, father, uncle and friend.

Vindicator Ocel.

Music: Josh Groban - "Remember Me" from soundtrack for Troy

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Music: Josh Groban - "Remember Me" from soundtrack for Troy

His body had been transported home to the Exodar, the enchanted capital city of the draenei on Azuremyst Isle.

There, his extensive family, fellow draenei and comrades who fought beside him over the years amassed for his funeral. It was a stately affair, akin to that for a monarch. He had been loved dearly, and was immensely well respected.

Khadgar, along with King Varian, Prince Anduin, stood in silent remembrance as Ishanah, High Priestess of the Aldor led the ceremony. Ocel's mummified remains were to be laid to rest in the family crypt which overlooked the Veiled Sea. Appropriate, as he had always loved watching the sun set over the sea, west of the Exodar.

Drew, Erik and Sarah stayed a respectful distance behind the main funeral group. It pained Sarah greatly to see such infinite sorrow particularly in Ocel's family. They seemed so close, so devoted to each other and so lost without their figurehead beside them.

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