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They turned a corner and ran straight into the defenders battling with three enormous terror guards. The demon nearest them slashed and sliced at its attackers with the enormous keen swords it wielded. Bravely they counter-attacked every swing of its blades.

Drawing his sword, Drew roared and joined the fight, against Sarah's screaming protests. She watched with her heart in her mouth as he dodged and parried just as well as the battle-experienced Azerothians and drove his blade into the beast's thigh, causing it to stagger. Seeing it as an opening, a worgen warrior brought his axe along the terror guard's hamstring. The demon crumpled and the warrior spun, swinging the deadly axe up and under the armoured helm, decapitating the beast. Blood spewed from the stump spattering Drew and the warrior. They exchanged congratulatory nods before they proceeded to the next.

Sarah stood at the edge of the room, inhaling the fusion of sulphurous fel and coppery blood. She was impotent, feeling for the first time like a spare appendage. She tried to remain at a safe distance so none of the fighters needed to concern themselves with her and could just concentrate on the demons blocking their way. 

She cursed under her breath for she was still helpless to do anything other than offer hunches and oft scathing words. Hardly anything that could do real damage except perhaps to an ego - and that wasn't something one took time to find out if a hulking demon was in possession of. Acknowledging she was utterly ineffectual - even compared to her faithful puppy who was going at it all gung-ho with astounding success, she resigned herself to doing as Khadgar bade and stayed at the back, out of the way.

From her left, a menacing growl caught her attention. A felhound was sloping around the edge of the room, heading towards her. She was unable to move, seeing the slavering jaws snapping as it tasted her scent in the air. Its long quill-like mane flickering and bristling as it lowered itself ready to pounce. It sprang forward just as three arrows took it in its left flank. The beast was jarred to the left wall and hit the floor, howling with pain. 

A gigantic ravager wolf sprang at the beast, its jaws clamping down on its throat. Sarah winced as she heard the sound of toughened skin being punctured and the accompanying squelch as the wolf's enormous canines were embedded within the soft inner tissue. The felhound stopped moving and the wolf stepped back shaking its head as it did so, flicking blood and green puss over wall and floor. 

"Ye a'right lass?" Sarah looked up in the direction of the voice. Eric gave her a little wave and a broad smile. She nodded and mouthed a thank you before he shot off to attack more of the demons. A sharp whistle and his wolf followed him into the fray.

The second terror guard was despatched to her right, now only one remained. Drew was still lunging and attacking alongside the worgen and once more they delivered the fatal blows. The clatter and crystal ting of steel punctuated the roars and shouts of allies and enemies alike. She had only bore witness to the aftermath of battle which had been brutal enough on her emotions but this, with the added sounds of dying and pain along with weapons clashing and firing was a hundred times worse.

The Dark Times Will Pass -  Book 2Where stories live. Discover now