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The camp was in the process of preparing breakfast when Khadgar and Sarah arrived back at first light

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The camp was in the process of preparing breakfast when Khadgar and Sarah arrived back at first light. They had tried to enter the camp without drawing any attention, but two people in particular were quick to spot them. Arcaena nodded to Sarah and her customary curved lip smile indicated that she knew Sarah's pursuit of the Archmage had ended as it should. Ocel had just opened his eyes as the two of them had returned, and their brush of fingers and soft smiles to each other did not escape his notice. He smiled and chortled quietly to himself. About time, he thought.

Eric was tucking in to some ham and eggs as they joined him for breakfast. His chewing slowed as he glanced between the two. They looked at him, silently. With a grunt, he continued chewing, his red beard masking the knowing smirk he wore.

The sudden sound of someone crashing through the undergrowth made many faces turn towards the trees and ready their weapons. Some soft laughter rippled through the company as a very dishevelled Drew appeared from behind the foliage. He stood a little bewildered as he noticed everyone staring at him. Another crunching of twigs and leaves and Tiene emerged from behind him to his left. She smacked his ass as she passed him. "Later, lover boy." she whispered. More laughter erupted from the company. Drew straightened himself up, stretching his neck and rounding his shoulders before he joined his friends for breakfast. He could not keep a rather tired, but satisfied grin from his face.

Once all had their fill, the campfires were doused, tents taken down and packed away, blankets and furs rolled up, bound with rope. Canteens, pots and tin plates were all stashed back in the carts which had been pulled by some of the soldiers mounts.

Scouts who had departed late into the night were making their way back from the Illidari Stand south along the coast towards Oceanus Cove. It was hoped that there would be little resistance for the company to have to deal with en route to the Vault. The scouts gave their reports to Sarah, Khadgar, Ocel and Kayn. Elune certainly seemed to be smiling on them, for they had not encountered any demon activity.

The order to roll out was given. Draenei, Night Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Worgen, Human, Illidari, even Pandaren, all moved together as one force. Whilst their numbers were not huge, they were nonetheless a formidable enemy to the Legion's minions.

The bulk of the Alliance troops, along with about two hundred demon hunters had already been deployed to Suramar the previous day. It was anticipated the closing of the portal at the Tomb of Sargeras with the power from Pillars of Creation in place, would attract the fiercest and heaviest resistance from the Legion.

As it so happened, word had been received just before they left camp, that the final piece of the Pillars of Creation was just within the allies' reach. Archdruid Malfurion and the High Priestess Tyrande approached Khadgar and Ocel. They all moved to the edge of the clearing. Sarah remained seated but strained to listen into their conversation.

"We shall go to Suramar and aid with the Pillars." Malfurion began. "I will leave a consignment of druids here to help you with the Vault."

"Very well," Khadgar replied. The restraint in his voice was immediately picked up by Tyrande.

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