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Dedicated to NicoleSilverlance@NicoleSilverlance & Sara@Finfychan for continuing with me during my journey through Azeroth & gifting me with their encouragement

The throne room and it's many off-shoot chambers were filling with the King's advisors, dignitaries, generals, lieutenants, as well as Kayn Sunfury and his demon hunters

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The throne room and it's many off-shoot chambers were filling with the King's advisors, dignitaries, generals, lieutenants, as well as Kayn Sunfury and his demon hunters.

Khadgar made his way to the top of the steps. He intended to meet Sarah, Drew and Erik when they arrived. The unmistakable deep growl of Erik's Mekgineer's Chopper echoed round the plaza and up the steps on approach.

Erik parked at the bottom and then leading the way, along with Drew and Sarah, he slowly ascended the steps.

"Thought you weren't going to get on that thing again," Drew teased Sarah.

She glanced up. The Archmage was nearing the top of the steps. Her heart contracted a little. "Well it was either that or have Khadgar come and portal me here."

"So, you felt safer on that death trap of Erik's?"

Erik grunted on hearing Drew's comment.

Sarah glared at Drew. "You talk to me about being safe when you're carrying that thing?" She pointed to the sword strapped to his hip.

Drew huffed. "I'm pretty good with these you know."

"No, I do not know! It's the first I have heard of it."

"Well, I thought you'd laugh if I told you." He sulked.

"And why the hell do you think I would laugh?"

"Will you pair quit it!" Erik grumbled over his shoulder. He was incensed that his bike had been referred to as a death trap and had also grown tired of their bickering over a sword. "The lad has every right to want to defend ye lass and tae dae his bit in whatever battles lie ahead o' us."

Sarah came to an abrupt halt. "Need I remind you Erik, we lost a very dear friend the last time because he was trying to defend us too?"

The hunter spun round and faced her. He was bristling. his voice low, almost aggressive. "No! Ye dinnae huv tae remind me! Tharaei wis like a son tae me. But he died daein' summat he believed in and trying tae help save a' o' us includin' keeping yer hame planet safe." 

Sarah gasped. 

Instantly, the dwarf regretted having mentioned the part about her home. He hung his head. He did not mean to imply the elf mage had died because of her. "Sorry, lass. I didnae ..." He couldn't finish.


Sarah's eyes stung. Quietly she responded. "I just couldn't bear losing Drew as well. That was all I meant Erik. I wasn't being disrespectful or ungrateful to Tharaei, or any of you."

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