Chapter 8 "Hide & Seek"

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Dominique POV

Making it to my parent's house in South Carolina, I parked into the driveway while they came outside to greet me. My father came and helped me move my luggage into the house while my mother and I got my shoe boxes and stuff etc.

After settling in I looked at my phone before throwing it onto the ground and stepping onto it. I know shawty is crazy and will probably attempt to track me down or some shit. I stayed in my room and began to fill my bath tub with warm water and bubble bath soap, before closing my blinds shut and stripping out my clothes. I turned on my computer and played my relaxing playlist.......

After finally getting out the tub and taking an actual shower, I brushed my teeth and put my acne treatment on my face while I moisturized my body with my favorite mix -Coco Butter and Bath and Body Work's Velvet Sugar lotion- I through on my black onesie and my fuzzy slippers before putting my hair in a high bun and wrapping it up in a turban for the night. Going to the other side of the house, I knocked on my parents door. My father answered. "Hey dad, sorry to disturb you, but ummmm I wanted to know if you could get some guys to bring the rest of my stuff here until I move again?" I asked. "Yeah Of course sweetie. Go wash that stuff off your face..look just like your ugly mother."he laughed. "I heard that old man." My mom said. 😂😂😂😂

Chenelle POV

I attempted to call Dominique but her phone keeps going straight to voicemail. I thought it would be nice to invite her to Royalty's second birthday. Something small and with the family you know, nothing dramatic.

Pipe POV

I was walking to the cafeteria and I heard that infamous voice shouting. "THAT CONCEITED SHIT IS PROBABLY WHAT GOT YOU IN HERE BITCH!" Kikyo screaming. Just as I got to the doors, Micky was in Kikyo face and in a blink of and eye they was fighting. King was winning too! I'm shocked. She was beatin' her ass. Kikyo had to have some type of training because she fighting like a professional fighter. Next thing I know, Kikyo was on the floor and Micky was on top. The guards came and attempted to break them up but lemme tell y'all. That's gonna be awhile.
Soon after Jasmine was pulled off Kikyo, "I hate you BITCH! I NEVER LIKED YOU! YOU WAS JUST A BETTER AND A NUT!"
Kikyo face grew red and she started trying to get to Jasmine.But the guards had on secured lock. She's Furious. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!!!!!! I WILL KILL YOU MICKY!" She started to to scream and I officially realized she's crazy. Micky is on the otherside in handcuffs laughing at tge scene. So i decided to go to Kikyo aid. "Kikyo rekax" she looked at at me and the look in her eyes was crazy. She smiled, "I'm calm" and she started To laugh. Yeah I'm I stood to the side of her. Her head was down and she's chuckling. Wtfreak. I looked towards the entrance and suddenly I felt a cold ass breeze and then some voices being raised. I look around and Micky on the floor and Kikyo on top of her pinching her repeatedly.

I started to walk to the scene but a guard grabbed me and pinned me to the wall, "DONT MOVE!" she yelled. I stayed completely still for the time being. I heard a scream and I looked towards the commotion and Kikyo was being held by guards as if she was some animal and then they tazed her. She stopped moving and the guard just dropped her as if she was really dead. Like no care in the world. They handcuffed her with two handcuffs instead of 1. Micky was bloody as hell. Her nose seems broken the way she leaking. She was Knocked Out.

They Escorted them both out at the same time, but to different locations. The janitor cleaned up the mess and all the inmates that were there was just left with their mouths hanging open.

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