Chapter 1

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Clarke still had four blocks to go before she arrived at Octavia's, she tried calling Finn for the third time that day and still no answer. She assumed he volunteered to take an extra shift at work, he had been doing that a lot lately. When she asked him about it, he chalked it up to needing money to spend on her. Anyone that knew Clarke, knew she came from a wealthy family, that sort of thing didn't impress her, it just aggravated her. She would rather spend time with someone then them try to buy her love. He must be taking lessons from her mother. She could recall on many accounts when her mom would start a conversation with ' I'm sorry I missed it, but look what I got you.' Thankfully she had Octavia, she was more family to Clarke then anyone. When Octavia couldn't be there Bellamy would swoop in at the opportune moment. They never missed any moment of Clarke's life, she would be forever grateful she had them in her life.

She sent a quick text to Finn, telling him she was at Octavia's before heading in to the apartment building. She let herself into the apartment, closing the door behind her and slipping off her shoes.

"Sure princess, just let yourself in" Bellamy chuckled seated at the kitchen table.

"Don't mind if I do" she smiled back at him pulling the chair out across from his.

"Did you watch The 100 last night?" Octavia asked walking into the room and sitting next to Clarke.

Bellamy sat at the table eating his lunch listening to Clarke and Octavia talk about whatever t.v. show it is they watch. He was only half listening until he heard Finn's name.

"How are things with you and Finn lately, he's not around much?" Octavia asked.

Bellamy forced his eyes to remain on his sandwich, they wanted to travel to Clarke, he gave in taking a quick glance. She was looking down at her hands. He promised himself he would stay out of the girls relationships.

"Good, he's just really busy lately" She replied.

"Busy doing what?" Bellamy spoke up, he couldn't help it, he wasn't a big Finn fan to start out with.

"I don't know, work I guess, hes pretty short on the phone, volunteering for overtime hours." Clarke gave them a reassuring smile.

Bellamy knew the man's world to well to believe that, he could see right through it, Who wouldn't make time for Clarke? Something wasn't right.

Octavia gave her a sad look and changed the conversation. They went on about some sale at the mall, and how they needed to get there nails done. Bellamy's mind stayed on Finn. 'What could he be busy doing?, he only works one job, from 7-4, hes up to something' He made a mental note to find out what it is that has his attention when he sees him.

"Alright Bell, we are going to grab snacks for your xbox night and we will see you in a bit." Octavia informed him grabbing her keys. Clarke stood slipping her shoes back on.

"Thanks ladies" He replied handing her money, as they walked out the door.

He got ready to head out to the book store, they should have the books he ordered in by now. He could finally use his gift card that Clarke gave him for his birthday to buy some more ancient history books. He smiled to himself letting Clarke's image float into his mind, anytime her crystal blue eyes met his he could feel his heart rate pick up. He looked around in hopes to shake the thoughts of her when a familiar face caught his eye exiting a store across the street. Just the person he wanted to see, he was about to call out to Finn when he saw a tall dark haired female walk out of the same store taking his hand that he offered. 'What the Hell goes on here, busy my ass' He thought to himself. He pulled his phone out sending Finn a message.

Bellamy: Hey, what are you up too? Coming over for the X-box tourney tonight?

Finn: Yea, I'll be there, Just finishing up some laundry.

Bellamy: See you then.

Bellamy answered, he put his phone in his pocket and walked at a brisk pace to the bookstore before returning to the apartment, he could feel himself losing control of his temper slowly. 'How could anyone choose someone else over Clarke, she always puts everyone else first'.

"Octavia!" he called entering the house.

"Here!" she called back entering the kitchen.

"Where's Clarke?"

"She had errands to run, why?" she replied skeptically.

"You'll never guess who I just saw, Finn with a tall brunette, out shopping, and when I texted him he told me he was doing laundry" She wasn't prepared for that, she stood there watching him pace.


"I should tell Clarke, right?"

"No, it could be nothing, could be a friend, a co-worker, maybe you are jumping to conclusions?"

"O, he was holding her fucking hand" he replied running his hand through his hair.

"Bell, I don't know what hes doing or who she is, when you see him tonight ask him, nonchalantly if that's possible"

"I intend to!" he answered through clenched teeth before heading for his bedroom.

8:30PM rolled around and Octavia waited patiently for Clarke to arrive. Her pacing was driving Bellamy crazy, he kept looking at the door hoping it would open any second. They were going to get manicures done while the guys had Xbox night. Just as Octavia sat down Clarke walked through the door with her hand in Finns, he kissed her cheek before heading to the couch, never giving her a second glance. Clarke caught Bellamy giving her a once over, her tight jeans and dark blue peasant top looked amazing on her, he was smirking when his eyes met hers causing blush to crest her cheeks, he knew he was caught. Not that he minded, he just didn't see them moving in that direction...ever.

"You look nice Clarke" his deep voice made the blush deepen in color.

"Thanks Bell" She said turning and giving the others a small wave before heading out with Octavia.

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