Chapter 7

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Bellamy laid on the couch in the dark, thinking about the whole situation,

'She doesn't want to be the other woman, I don't want to be the rebound,

I guess just end things with Roma, and just stay on the track we are on.

Note to self, Avoid close contact and drunken alone time'

A whistle echoed through the living room causing him to look around in search of the noise, seeing a phone illuminate on the table. He sighed and went to turn over before hearing the whistle again.

"Who is the idiot?" he muttered to himself standing and walking over to the table. He could see a picture of him and Clarke as the phones background, behind the flashing banner reading *New message*His eyes searched the hallway for a light under Octavia's door. Complete darkness, signalling everyone was asleep. The phone whistled again and Bellamy picked it up heading back to the couch. He swiped the icon. *Finn, 3 new* He hesitated swiping but gave in to curiosity.

FINN: Clarke, I'm sorry, I should have left Raven awhile ago.

I know there is no going back, but I Love You

I see Roma is back, keeps Bellamy out of our shit, Sucky for you though, I know you can't stand her.

"This guy is unreal" Bellamy muttered clicking out of his message. He looked at the background picture, They were on the porch, he was seated on the railing, Clarke standing in front of him, between his legs, her hands rested on his knees. He couldn't help but smile. He clicked her gallery, lots of pics of her and Octavia, One specifically caught his eye. Octavia and Clarke were sitting side by side, Octavia kissing Clarke's cheek as her bright blue eyes stared into the camera, She was smiling wide, wearing his hat and sweatshirt. He quickly sent it to himself in a text message, and turned her phone off, placing it on the back of the couch. He rolled to his side letting sleep overtake him.


Clarke stretched welcoming the sun shining through Octavia's window. She slowly rose and made her way to the kitchen turning on coffee. Once it started to drip she headed down the hall, motivation wasn't her strong suit in the morning, but she could make coffee and run a brush through her hair quick. She stepped into the bathroom closing the door quietly. She brushed her hair, put it in a messy bun, washed her face of yesterday's makeup and applied today's. She had off today and she knows Octavia does too, so it's a lazy kind of day.

"Good enough" she said giving herself a once over.

She opened the door and headed for the coffee pot slamming into another body. Her head shot up and she fought the internal groan at seeing Roma before she had coffee, It was practically painful.

"Sorry, didn't see you" Clarke gave her a smile and went to step around her, not waiting for a response. Roma's arm shot out blocking Clarke's path. Clarke could feel her body tense as she stood eye to eye with Roma.

"Nice shirt, I'm pretty sure I bought if for Bellamy" she said eyeing her clothes. Clarke looked down at her shirt, 'yup, that's correct'

"Could be, just grabbed it out of the dryer"

" I suppose the hair ties on his nightstand are yours also?"

"I don't know, not that I know of, I suppose it's possible though." Clarke said pushing her arm down and storming towards the coffee pot.

"Misery loves company, right Clarke? You fucked up your relationship so now you are going to mess up mine!" Roma yelled down the hall. Clarke stopped abruptly turning back towards her.

"Excuse me, I fucked up my relationship? Finn was fucking Raven, and here is a little insight, I know he fucked you too, that time Bellamy went to Californina for a few days, I saw the text messages two days in a row. I didn't want to believe he was that person, didn't want to believe you could do that to Bellamy!, Let me guess you came back early because Finn called you? Am I right?" Clarke was beyond pissed. At this rate she wouldn't need coffee to motivate her, the adrenaline would work just as fast. Roma just stood there silent staring at her, giving her a slight nod. Octavia opened her door leaning on the door jamb looking out into the hall.

"Roma, I am sorry Finn lured you back with bullshit, and I can assure you I was not the one to mess my relationship with him up, I will also say, Bellamy and I are just friends, Whatever happens between you two, is between you two"

Clarke turned slamming into Bellamy, who was standing right behind her. She forced herself to avoid his eyes, side stepped around him and walked into the kitchen. Octavia left her doorway and followed after Clarke. Roma left standing in the hallway,shifted her weight nervously, her eye's met Bellamy's, he could see her tears threaten to fall.

"Bellamy, I am so sorry, I'm going to save you the trouble and grab my stuff. Finn wasn't the only one, I'm so sorry" Roma said tears falling down her cheeks, She walked into the room returning with her bag and walking up to Bellamy. She stood on her toes placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"You deserve better, I can't give you that" she whispered. Before letting herself out. Bellamy let his body slide down the wall, letting his head fall back, staring at the ceiling. He was kind of pissed she was sleeping around, but then again, they were just friends with benefits. It wasn't a big loss in his book anyway, she just saved him from doing what he planned on doing in the next twenty four hours anyway. His life needed to be Roma free.

A few minutes passed and Clarke approached him holding out a cup of coffee. He gave her a small smile accepting the cup. She slid down the wall opposite him. She let her eyes travel over him as she took a sip of coffee.

"You knew?, You knew he was cheating on you all this time?" Bellamy asked, receiving a nod.

"I had an idea, I didn't want to believe it, you never know, she could have sent the text to the wrong recipient. I should have told you about Roma, I'm so sorry Bell"She was more concerned with him being mad at her then she was about Roma admitting the Finn thing.

"No big loss princess, We weren't serious anyway, we spent more time off then on" he replied with a smile.

"Bell, I lied" She started, abruptly being cut off.

"Sometimes we do, to protect each other, don't overthink it, you did it because you didn't want anyone to get hurt, I lied to you this week too, I saw Finn with Raven shopping and kept it to myself, it's selfish but I didn't want to be the one to make you upset"

"You know the both of you are hopeless" Octavia spoke, standing at the end of the hall smiling at them.

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