Chapter 14

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Clarke woke up sun filtering through the window, she felt Bellamy's lips graze her shoulder, she stretched rolling over to face him as he pulled her tight to him.

"How does your head feel?, no light sensitivity?, headache? your arm?" she asked concern written all over her face.

"Good morning to you too doc, I'm okay, relax" he mumbled in her neck.

"That's a matter of opinion, and I will not relax, You scared me half to death coming in there like that" She said running her fingers lightly over his cast.

"Just think if I didn't scare you, you wouldn't be here" he said before placing a light kiss on her neck.

"Says who, I told you your bed looked comfortable when you texted me yesterday" she smiled up at him.

"So where do we go from here, a relationship?, would you like to be my significant other?" he asked pressing a light kiss to her lips.

"I'll have to think about it" she answered poking him in the ribs lightly.

"Oh yea? well in that case I retract my offer" he said wearing a smug expression.

"What do I have to do to get the offer back?" she raised her eyebrows waiting for an answer.

"Kiss me" he smiled. She kissed up his neck lightly.

"Clarke" he half growled when she nipped him lightly, he felt her smile against him. A knock at the door made them jump not giving them time to answer before it flew open.

"You two, I heard things, things I never want to hear again, I'm glad you both removed your heads from your asses but please keep it quiet from here on out" Octavia stated .

"Okay, fair enough" Clarke said trying to hold back her smile until Octavia left the room.

"Turn the coffee on!" Bellamy yelled at her as she exited into the hall.

Octavia could be heard mumbling her way to the kitchen.

"So what do you say boyfriend?" Clarke asked playfully.

"I say we don't tell anyone, let them figure it out" he smiled as he inched one hand up the bottom of her shirt.

"Well I say I need coffee" she replied rolling off the edge of the bed and slipping a pair of her shorts and one of his t-shirts on. He just laid in bed shaking his head, watching her head out into the hallway.


"So you and my brother" Octavia smiled as she poured coffee in the two cups they took out of the cabinet.

"Yea, me and bell, you okay with that?" Clarke asked gauging her reaction.

"Of course, I can't believe it took so long" Octavia replied.

"Me either, I'm irresistible" Bellamy threw his opinion in on the way to the coffee pot.

"Yeah, whatever you say, so O we want to just let it ride out not tell anyone, not be bombarded by questions, just let them figure it out themselves."

"Yeah, that's a good idea, just let everything fall into place" She smiled.


It was xbox night, Bellamy swore he would be good to play, if not he could at least use the company, the girls were overbearing the past few days. All there friends piled into the living room. The couch was taken over by Wick, Raven, Octavia and Lincoln, the recliner by Bellamy and the kitchen chairs by Miller, Finn, Jasper and Monty. Clarke placed snacks and drinks around before standing behind the recliner. Her fingers gently ran down the side of Bellamy's neck, she watched as he ran into the wall, her hand stilled and he was back in first place, she ran a finger under the edge of his collar on his shirt and into the wall again he went. He moved her hands away from him focusing on the game.

"Guess, I can't touch you." She whispered. He just smirked in response acknowledging he heard her.

"I'm gonna go sit on the floor" she whispered.


"Where else would you like me to go?" she asked motioning towards every seat being taken. He pulled her down on his lap.

"That works for me" he smiled turning his attention back to his game. Various pairs of eyes looking over at them.

"Me too" she said laying her head on his shoulder. He could smell her shampoo and feel her hand resting gently on his stomach. Playing xbox and managing the controller was a task with only one good hand, but he was managing just fine. He felt her breath on his neck, and a gentle kiss, followed by another, and another.

"Clarke, you are gonna make me lose"

"From where I'm sitting I'd say you are winning" she replied before sucking lightly. He shook his head smiling.

"You play dirty" he mumbled, causing her to laugh.

"I do not" she replied innocently, as she watched him cross the finish line.

Once the race was over all the controllers got passed along to the next players.

Bellamy wrapped his arm around her waist.

"You do" he stated.

"You love it" She smiled up at him placing a soft kiss to his lips. The screech that followed was deafening, Causing everyone to jump, and turn to Raven wide eyed.

"I knew it!" Raven shouted, Wick just sat smiling and shaking his head next to her.

A series of "What?" fell through the room.

"Blake and Griffin, I Knew it too!" Jasper said catching on.

Clarke could feel the blush creep up her neck.

"See they knew it" Bellamy smiled kissing her.

"We've known all along, it was inevitable" Octavia smiled.

"I've known all along too" Bellamy whispered to Clarke.

"Oh is that so?"

"yup" he replied with a cocky grin

"Just had to wait for you to figure it out" he added

"What you don't know, is that I've loved you as long as I can remember" He looked at her his eyes travelling over her face.

"Is that so?" he asked leaning into kiss her.

"It is" she replied barely audible.

"It's a good thing I love you too then huh?" he smiled crushing his lips into hers.

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