Chapter 10

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It was further in the week and Clarke had stayed at her own apartment since the fight her and Bellamy had, tonight was the game night they had at her place. Bellamy just opened the door to Clarke's apartment, he was apparently late as everyone else in there group of friends sat around the monopoly board. He stood to the side letting a new face walk in before shutting the door.

"Guys, this is Gina, she is gonna hang out if that's okay" he said walking towards the kitchen, a series of "hey" and nods were sent in her direction.

"Clarke say hello..." Raven scolded as if she were a stubborn child. She sent her a glare before turning to the new guest.

"Hi" she said dryly.

"Don't mind her, she's grouchy, long day at work and someone was late" Octavia said just as Bellamy re-entered the living room.

"By ten minutes, princess, you will live" he replied taking a seat next to Raven.

"Princess? is that your sister?" Gina asked sitting next to him.

"Nope, I'm his sister" Octavia said smiling.

"So you are?" she asked Clarke. Clarke just looked at Bellamy.

"She's my best friend" He replied.

"Can't be too great if he didn't mention me" She added coldly. They had been off balance the last few days, the fight they had after the double date night was weighing heavy on there minds. They usually had a fast rebound rate but Bellamy could sense something was off.


"Bell don't , just roll already, it's your turn and you held us up long enough" she said leaning back against the couch.

"Bell, that's cute" Gina smiled.

"Yup and I hate it so refrain from it if you could, O and Clarke are the only ones who I overlook using it" He replied smiling, he wasn't being mean, just didn't want anyone but them calling him that.

"Got it" she smiled back.

They played monopoly for awhile, Clarke stood heading to the kitchen for a drink, she was losing horribly, Jasper and Octavia owned everything and were slowly taking everyone's money.

She opened the fridge grabbing the wine, turned and filled her glass. Bellamy entered the kitchen leaning on the counter across from her.

"What's your deal tonight?" he asked trying to read her expression, he knew she was mad at him but everyone was getting the cold shoulder.

"Nothing Bell, I'm fine, just tired, been sleeping shitty, my whole body aches, texted you a few times, but I see now you were busy, Sorry I was snappy with you" She said sitting on the stool leaning forward on the counter.

"No big deal, I didn't get your messages, sorry, your body aches huh?" he asked standing straight. He made his way around the counter and stood behind her, he knew he would regret this, every night for the rest of the month. That was if she even let him touch her after the other day. He leaned over her, his mouth next to her ear.

"Just relax, keep leaning forward" he whispered. She felt his voice run through her body, causing a slight shiver. She just nodded to signal she heard him, not trusting her voice.

He ran his hands up her back to her shoulders and neck, lightly caressing, massaging, and kneading the muscles. She let out a small moan causing him to laugh.

"I take it this is just what you needed" He said applying slightly more pressure, willing his body to focus on the task at hand and not travel to thoughts of ways to make Clarke moan.

"God yes" her voice was soft and angelic to his ears. His hands were making her whole body relax, but her mind was reeling. She could go for this once a night, the things it could lead too were invading her mind and she could feel her body heating up. She needed to stop him, but it feels so good.

He worked his way down inch by inch. He reached her lower back and then ran his hands over her thighs giving them a quick squeeze, She didn't think she could move if she tried, she was beyond relaxed.

"Clarke?" he asked hearing her even breathing. He gave her a little shake.

"Just let me sleep" she mumbled, her head laying on the counter.

"Nope, not here" he replied shaking his head.

He slipped an arm under her legs and scooped her up, she snuggled into him burying her head in his neck. This was the Clarke he loved, the Clarke he missed the past few days. He hated fighting with her.

He laughed as he passed the group in the living room giving him weird looks and carried her down the hall, he opened her door and laid her down on the bed. He pulled covers back on the other side and relocated her. He was about to cover her when a previous conversation came into his head. 'You could've at least took my pants off, sleeping in jeans is crappy' He smirked knowing she was gonna complain either way, he unbuttoned her jeans slowly pulling them down off her legs, his hands brushing her legs resulted in a slight moan, he smiled covering her up. He leaned down kissing her on the top of the head.

"Goodnight Princess" he whispered.

She rolled over pulling a pillow tight to her,

"Goodnight Bellamy, I Love You" she replied. It was barely audible and he knew she was asleep.

"I Love You too Clarke" he added shutting the light off and closing her door quietly.

He headed to the living room, taking his spot back on the floor.

"You are so boring you put her to sleep huh?" Octavia asked.

"Yeah, something like that" he replied .

"You are in love with her huh?" Gina asked making all the eyes turn to her and him. He sat in silence for a minute taking in all the eyes focused on him.

"I wouldn't say that, we are just friends" he replied. The whole group laughed.

"What?" he asked loudly.

"We are not blind, get real" Raven smirked.

"You can lie all you want, anyone who witnessed what we did the other night, knows differently." Jasper added

"I even think there is a hole in the wall to prove it" Monty added.

"That's because she pisses me off" Bellamy replied.

"Wick has a hole to fix too, because I piss him off also" Raven smiled.

"Because I love her" Wick laughed.

"Alright, Alright, Bell is her best friend, and she is his, just leave it be" Octavia said standing up for her brother, he smiled at her for the extra help, his smile fell as soon as he saw her open her mouth again.

"Just because they can't see it doesn't mean its not there" and there it was, his sister couldn't resist.

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