Chapter 9

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A loud noise jolted Clarke from her sleep. Clarke laid there a second before hearing it again.

"What the hell is that?" Clarke asked quietly rolling over to see Octavia stretching.

"Sounds like someone banging on the front door"Octavia said. Seconds later she heard Bellamy's door open, followed by a groan.

"I'm fucking coming" Bellamy yelled.

Octavia and Clarke pulled themselves from bed to see what the ruckus was all about.

"It's only two a.m. who the fuck could it be?" Octavia said as they walked down the hall.

"I love her and I want to see her" Finn's voice echoed through the house. He was drunk. Beyond drunk.

"Finn, you have to be kidding me, it's two in the morning, I'm not waking her up. Go home" Bellamy said sounding agitated. Clarke stayed out of sight while Octavia, headed to try and help Bellamy.

"Where's Clarke? I know she's here" he yelled. Clarke sighed knowing it was only a matter of time before someone called the cops on a noise complaint. This wasn't going to end well, no matter how you sliced it.

"I'm right here, stop yelling, let him in." she spoke quietly as she walked towards the kitchen. She turned the light on as he stood at the counter, Bellamy and Octavia sitting at the table. She turned filling a glass with water.

"Nice shirt, fucking Blake now I see, so you slept with me, I'm assuming Wick too, Just because I was there to witness the flirting and now you moved on to Bellamy, you are running out of friends." Finn stated. She bit her tongue and silently pleaded a certain someone stayed in his seat. She could feel the headache starting.

"You are drunk Finn, have some water" Clarke said sliding the glass towards him before glancing at Bellamy. He just sat there looking grumpy as ever, arms crossed over his chest.

"I loved you Clarke, I love you still" Finn stated more to his glass of water then her.

"You loved Raven too, why don't you go wake her up at two a.m." Clarke replied. She could see Octavia smirk out of the corner of her eye.

"I loved you more, No one compares to you" Finn stated meeting her eyes. She hated him and all this bullshit. She was so over it, all of it. She wouldn't cry, she wouldn't let herself.

"Finn stop, I don't want to hear it" Clarke replied. He walked around the counter stopping in front of her. She stood facing him.

"Then let me show you" he said sliding a hand over her waist, leaning in, and pulling her tight to him.

"Alright lover boy, that's enough" Bellamy stated calmly standing, as Clarke leaned as far back as she could.

"Tell him Clarke, tell him you'd rather have me" Finn said trying to kiss her neck as she backed away from him.

"Finn" Bellamy growled.

"Okay, enough, Finn we are done, there is no going back, get over it, you obviously can't wander town like this so go sleep it off on the couch" Clarke said running a hand through her hair.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Back to bed" she answered.

"Back to his bed I'm sure" Finn stated.

Clarke felt herself tense but knew it was pointless to argue with someone as intoxicated as him, she just ignored him letting Octavia walk out of the kitchen in front of her.

"I'm fucking talking to you bitch" he yelled following her.

"Not like that your not" Bellamy's deep voice fell across the living room.

"Always her knight in shining armor. Always protecting her, Fighting her battles." Finn said turning to face Bellamy.

"Better then the cheating ex-boyfriend don't you think" Bellamy shot back at him.

"Alright guys, that's enough" Octavia said.

"No, I'm not done, the entire time her and I dated she would drop me on a dime to tend to you, don't tell me I was the only one who cheated."

"Fuck you Finn, Bellamy and I have never slept together, not that it's any of your business, and your right Bellamy always came first. Here's a news flash, Octavia and Bellamy will always come first, they aren't just friends to me, they are my family." Clarke jumped in the conversation, stepping in front of Bellamy.

"Yeah right, I'm sure he thinks of you as family, just another conquest, you are probably one of three at this very moment, enjoy the little slut, she's all yours. You just better hope it's only your dick she's sucking." Finn stated. Clarke heard Bellamy mutter something before he latched a hold of Finn over top of her.

"You ever talk about her like that and I'll kill you" The tone of voice that came out of Bellamy was unlike anything she ever heard before. It was dark and dangerous.

"Everyone's going to bed, Now!" he said looking at the girls. They just turned and went to Octavia's room shutting the door.

"Finn go to sleep, when you wake up I want you gone. You are not welcome here and you will not speak to her or of her like that. If you do it will be me dealing the repercussions, that's a promise. " Bellamy said storming off to his room, slamming the door for a second time tonight.

"Octavia" Clarke whispered.

"Yeah?" she replied.

"Your brother pisses me off to no end"


"and I should hate him right?, for ruining my night?"

"Hate is a strong word" she whispered.

"Doesn't matter, I couldn't hate him if I wanted to, he just stood up for me without a thought"

"That's as mad as I've seen him in awhile"

"He put a hole in your wall tonight, I'm so sorry"Clarke said.

"Clarke, he'd do anything for you, I just think he gets carried away sometimes."

"I know, I do too, I love him though, more then he knows" she replied quietly.

"I know, I know" Octavia replied smiling before they dozed off to sleep for the second time tonight.


Bellamy laid in bed, his adrenaline was relentless, he wouldn't get any sleep tonight. He wanted to kill Finn Collins at this very moment, more than anything. The night was bad enough, Clarke was mad at him, his hand was still throbbing from the wall, he was deserving of that though. Finn pissed him off talking shit about Clarke. However Clarke defending him let him know she didn't hate him at least. Finn was right though, she always puts him first, always had as long as he could remember. He can't remember a time he stayed home sick that she didn't stay home to take care of him. He's watched her give up dates to stay home and watch movies with him. He let out a sigh letting his eyes wander over the picture of him and her on his dresser. He didn't know when it started, but he couldn't remember a time he wasn't in love with her.

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