Chapter 5

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A few weeks had gone by, Finn was still leaving pathetic voicemail's on Clarke and Raven's answering machines. Clarke and Octavia pulled Raven into their group instantly. They all loved her and her personality. They spent a lot of girl time together which was fine with them. Bellamy on the other hand had thoughts of finding a quieter apartment, away from the women who took over the kitchen every single night. He knew he would never move, and he would certainly would not tell them they were a pain, after all they did feed him, but the thought gave him some sort of relief on days they became too much to handle. In a normal world two is company, three is a crowd, that was not the case here. Two was company three was equivalent to a tornado in his mind, there was no control, they took over and did whatever they wanted.

Clarke and Bellamy were the same as always. Octavia was convinced they were both too afraid to make the first move and she wasn't going to push them, anyone could see it would happen eventually.

Tonight was the night everyone, not just the girls gathered in the apartment. They played poker and watched movies. Clarke always worked till late on Wednesday's. Raven and Octavia needed to get groceries which left Bellamy the peace and quiet he craved, at least for a few hours.

Thankfully Raven goes home at night, so Bellamy only has to deal with Clarke and Octavia using the bathroom.

He opened the door to his bedroom still half asleep heading for the bathroom door. The second he opened the door he heard the shower.

"Is this going to be a long ordeal?" he asked half grumpy.

"What the shower? Could be why?" Clarke's smile could be heard in her voice, she loved antagonizing him. He would be a liar if he said he didn't like it too, it was their thing.

"Clarke, you know you have your own apartment, that you pay rent for, right? I know it comes with a shower." he stated leaning against the door.

"Your point being?" she asked.

"My point being that I take cold showers in the morning because you seem to need every ounce of hot water" he responded dryly.

"I like to be clean."

"Clarke, water that hot sanitizes, you should be so clean that I could eat off of you" he replied. Her mind took that to another place and she was thankful for the shower curtain because her cheeks were on fire.

"Everyone has to make sacrifices, that's how life works." she replied. Not two seconds after she said it the shower curtain moved and he stepped in fully naked. Clarke was pretty sure her heart stopped as she grabbed the liner from the shower curtain and held it in front of her.

"What are you doing?"

"Sharing, why sacrifice if we can both have it" he replied nonchalantly.

"You have got to be kidding me Bellamy"

"The way I see it is you have two choices, get out or share."

"Bell, I just put shampoo in my hair, I still need to rinse it and put conditioner in." she whined.

"So do it, I'm not getting out" he replied with a smug look as he put soap on his loofah.

"Get out, I'll rinse quick and give you the shower."

"Yeah right, do I look stupid to you?" he asked.

"Yes" she replied instantly glaring at him.

"Now I'm definitely not getting out" he chuckled. She sighed watching him stand on the other side of the water.

"Fine, two can play your stupid game" She said letting go of the curtain. She stepped forward under the water rinsing her hair. Giving him a full view of her body. She tried to hide the blush she knew was creeping up her cheeks, but he wasn't going to win. He took a few quick glances, diverting his gaze back to her face. As soon as she opened her eyes his locked on to them. His eyes were darker if that was even possible.

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