Chapter 15

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A few weeks have passed and Bellamy has been waiting patiently to get his cast off. He is sitting on the table at the hospital as they are preparing what they need to cut it off. The whole procedure should be done around the same time Clarke's shift ends. He has been planning this night for awhile, her lease on her apartment ends this month and Octavia has started dating Lincoln, making their apartment crowded. It's time to move out and hopefully she will want to join him.

They cut the cast off looked at all the x-rays and images, it looked good. Just as he was about to open the door Clarke walked in.

"Jackson, how does he look?" she asked giving Bellamy a quick kiss.

"He looks good, healing nicely, told him to take it easy for another 2-3 weeks" he told Clarke as she smirked at Bellamy knowing that would be a challenge.

"Great, thanks so much for everything" Clarke said

"Yeah, thank you" Bellamy said shaking his hand and following her out of the room. They headed to the apartment. She got changed in his room quick meeting him in the living room.

"You look amazing" he complimented, she was beautiful in her long black dress with a slit up the side, revealing her leg up to her hip, he could feel his fingers itching to move under the fabric of the dress.

"So do you" she replied, her eyes raked over his body, his maroon button up dress shirt that fit perfectly, He looked good, and he knew it.

"What time is our reservation?" She asked running her hand over his chest, pausing at the first button, her eyes searching his face. His hands moved to her waist, he pulled her closer to him leaning down to place a searing kiss on her waiting lips.

"Suddenly, I can't remember" He whispered as he trailed kisses up her neck.

"Bellamy, if we start this we won't be leaving here." She warned.

"I have been waiting weeks to be able to run both my hands all over your body, Besides there's leftover pizza in the fridge" he chuckled lifting her into his arms and carrying her back to the bedroom.

He laid her down on the bed, slowly moving up her body, leaving kisses along every inch of exposed skin. She slipped her shoes off and started to take her dress off. His hands moved up to hers stopping the process. She looked at his curiously.

"Leave it on, I'll take it off when I'm ready" his voice was deep and demanding. She smirked pulling her hands away from the fabric. The thought of being left dressed was about to put her need to feel him on overload. If the point was supposed to be teasing, he had definitely succeeded. As thin as the fabric was, the barrier between him and her was driving her crazy.

(SMUT ALERT, If you don't like smut scroll down to the next statement in Bold letters)

His hands moved up her legs, hooking a finger in both sides of her underwear and sliding them down at an excruciatingly slow pace, for every inch he moved them down he placed a soft gentle kiss above where they sat, So gentle that she could barely feel it. He left his mouth close to her legs through the whole process so she could feel his hot breath ghosting over her skin, her skin that was on fire. She yearned for his touch.

She let her fingers run through his hair, every now and then giving his hair a gentle tug. She wanted him to kiss her, touch her, something that gave her more contact then what she was getting. He slipped her underwear off her feet and stood unbuttoning his dress shirt, revealing a white t-shirt underneath. Her eyes moved to the bottom of the shirt willing him to remove it. He just smiled at her and knelt down at the edge of the bed. His hands slipped under her legs giving her light massaging squeezes all the way up to her thighs. He slipped his hand further under her and yanked her to the edge of the bed. The motion was so quick it took her a second to realize what happened.

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