Chapter 12

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Bellamy woke up to the alarm clock, he hit snooze glancing at the time, he just started a job in construction a few weeks ago and ever since it feels like he can't get enough sleep. After last night the only thing on his mind was Clarke. He rolled over to check his phone. 'a message from Clarke, what the hell time does she get up?'

Clarke: Look new scrubs :)

Attached was a picture of her smiling self in dark green scrubs instead of her usual blue.

He smiled taking a picture of himself laying in bed


Bellamy: Look a nice comfortable bed :)

Clarke: I'm jealous

Bellamy: I bet!

Clarke: Have a great day Bell!

Bellamy: You too princess.


He stretched and started his day. It had already started out to be a good day, obviously him and Clarke were better than normal, they were something, or at least he hoped. He actually slept soundly for one night and they were almost done with this stupid bridge construction at work.

He had full intentions on meeting Clarke at the door of the hospital and taking her to get something to eat when her shift ended. Today was the day, he was going to tell her how he felt. If only he could make the clock tick faster. She had been on his mind all day, the picture of her in her dark green scrubs, they had a few more beams to put up and he was off. They were all talking and working, it was hot enough to melt glass, everyone was tired and ready to go. The last beam was on the rise, ten more inches to go, then freedom, a loud snap of the chain made them all jump, That was the last thing he remembers before it all went black.


Clarke had ten minutes left of her shift, she paced checked her watch at least three times, she was ready to go, she worked a double the day before, then had a late night with Bellamy, his lips on hers crossed her mind frequently throughout the day causing her to blush at some random times. Today was her day for the Emergency Room, not her favorite choice but it had been relatively quiet. 'Seven minutes then freedom' She willed her watch to move faster. She was going to Octavia's tonight, she couldn't wait to see Bellamy, she hoped she hadn't made a mistake putting herself out there like that.

Her beeper went off, she groaned, not good, she made her way to the ER desk. A nurse turned to meet her, as they briskly walked towards the ambulance entrance.

"A 27 year old male, knocked unconscious by a beam on the job, appears to have a broken arm, hasn't woken up yet. Breathing fine, They were putting the bridge up on state street" Clarke stopped walking suddenly feeling sick.

"Dr. Griffin?"

"Yeah, just, if the name is Bellamy Blake you will have to call Jackson, emotionally, I can't do it" The nurse nodded understanding. Clarke tried to swallow the lump in her throat as she watched the ambulance turn the corner.

The ambulance backed up to the doors, the paramedics unloaded the patient and walked him into the hallway. You couldn't mistake that mop of curls for anyone else. Clarke rushed to his side, she ran her hand down the side of his face, fighting tears. She could hear the nurse paging Jackson in the background.

"Geeze, Princess your hands are cold" He gave her a weak smile wiping some of her tears that managed to sneak out away.

"Sorry, Bell what happened?" she whispered taking his hand.

"Funny thing, I've been thinking about you in those scrubs all day, guess I get to see it in person now, getting hurt has it's perks"

"Always the flirt, even when injured." Clarke smirked placing a kiss on his hand. She helped wheel him to the room and Jackson met them there.

They ran tests and x-rays. Clarke never left his side, watching the screens on all the tests intently. She saw Jackson headed towards them and gripped Bellamy's hand tightly.

"Alright Clarke, He has a concussion, and a broken wrist, a clean break, we are gonna set it and cast it, other than that hes fine." He said looking at her, then to Bellamy.

"Thank you so much Jackson." Clarke said smiling.

"You got a keeper, she's a royal pain in the butt, but I've never seen her cry over someone, take care of her" Jackson said to Bellamy. Bellamy just nodded and Clarke shook her head, she called Octavia to come pick them up. Once Bellamy was in his cast she wheeled him out front. Octavia picked them up and picked up food along the way.

They got back to the apartment, all ate together, glad to be in each others company. Bellamy stood headed to the bedroom.

"I'm gonna lay down"

"No, you can't sleep for another two hours" Clarke yelled down the hall. She looked to Octavia for help.

"That's all you" she said motioning to his room.

Clarke sighed heading for Bellamy's room, he was in his boxers laying on top of the bed watching a movie on his t.v. She opened his top drawer grabbed a shirt and headed for the bathroom.

She walked back in his room, closing the door. She stood in one of his t-shirts that stopped mid thigh, and he was betting she had nothing but underwear on underneath.

"What are you doing?" he asked meeting her eyes.

"Making sure you don't fall asleep she replied sliding under blankets "

"I'll get my blankets for the couch" he said sitting up.

"No, I need to be near you, wake you up every few hours, so snuggle in" she smiled kissing his jaw lightly. He pulled the blankets over them. He stayed so close to his side he was teetering on the edge, he was more then happy to share with her, just not sure how much sharing she wanted to do.

"Bellamy, I don't bite, and I know your bed isn't that big" She said while looking at the t.v. He inched in and she instantly moved her head to his chest and snaked one bare leg over his. She heard his sharp intake of breath, then felt him relax slightly.

"Clarke, I can't be responsible for what I might do if your bare skin is going to be against mine all night long"

"Good, as long as your mind keeps you awake I don't have too" she yawned.

"Oh so you just get to fall asleep" he asked

"Mmmhmm" she replied

Her breath hitched when she felt his hand run over her thigh. He felt her tense, he ran his hand back down her thigh slower then the first time.

"Bellamy.." she warned.

"Yes, princess?" he asked, his voice a whisper, his hand slid further up her thigh to her waist. Damn her for only wearing underwear. He ran his thumb over the top edge of her underwear, moving it up and down. He could hear her breathing pause before changing.

"Bellamy..please" she said, he could hear the effect he was having on her evident in her voice.

"Please what?" he asked.

"Please know that if we cross this line, I do not want to be a one night stand Bell, I want us to be so much more. If you aren't ready for that then you need to stop" He was pretty sure the only thing that stopped was his heart. He has waited months for her to give him the go ahead.

"You could never be a one night stand, we crossed that line along time ago" he said leaning to kiss the top of her head.

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