4 Minutes

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Prince was in the house about to leave and go to his car.He heard you were going to leave and he didn't want you to leave today.He needed to go to the airport.He decided to call you and try to stop you.In fact he didn't want you to leave him one minute you're all packed to go to a friend's house and the next minute you are taking a plane to who knows where.

"Hello."you answered with an attitude"Listen Prince whatever you gotta say its not gonna stop me ok I'm leaving and that's final I need to go Prince."you said really fast.

"Hold up slow down Listen just give me 10 minutes."he pulled out the driveway.Thee airport wasn't to far from where he lived.


"Well give me five minutes."he sighed"

"No i'm about to leave in like 10 minutes."You looked at the your watch.

"Aight."he sighed speeding down the road."Before you leave I just need these last four minutes."

"Hurry up."

He started talking really fast and you couldn't really make out what he was saying and you could hear how fast he was driving.

"PRINCE!"you yelled.

He stopped and took a deep breathe.

"Pardon me if i'm talking fast."he smiled"And stumbling all over my words."

You sat there and stared into space.

"I heard you leaving town and I thought I'd be the first obne to know."he scoffed"If you have a minute let me talk to you and see what's going on."

"To be honest Prince I don't want to talk and if I would of told you would be spazzing like how you are now and honestly its no-"

" Don't say its nothing when its gotta be something that's wrong now let me explain but I don't know what to say because I don't know what the hell happened."He ignored the red light and drove through it.

"I don't either."you said lowly and looked down.

"I come in the house to try to work it out and all you're doing is packing."he pulled up to the airport and tried to find a park."Close your suitcase let me think striaght."he thought."What could be the reason?"


"Baby talk to me i'm almost outta time."he found a park locked his door."I walked in the house today and saw peolple.I was like who are these people scratching floors and taking furniture outside and the u haul pulled up to my door.That's how I knew you were leaving."he walked into the airport."What's that reason that I get this feeling that you can't keep it real with me."he stopped to look for you.

"I can."

"No you can't."he sighed"Is because of the prime relationships I had off in the streets?If it is tell me."he started thining"Nevermind is it your conscience speaking yo need to get your girl back."he said to himself"You gotta find a way to get her heart i'm talking suggestion i've learned my lesson Prince."he continued talking to his conscience"Conscience you are my last lifeline i'm down to my last second."

"Prince are you still there."

He hung up and ran to you.

"Rude."you turned around and and saw an afro running towards you.

"The plane to(any state,city) boards in four minutes."the lady on the loud speaker said/

"I gotta go see you when I come back down here."you grabbed your suitcase.

"NO."he growled"You said I can have four minutes and god dammit i'm going to get four fucking minutes.

You stared at him.

"I've only got four minutes to do what I gotta do to prove to you that i'm gonna do anything I've only got four minutes to say what I gotta to make you stay and show you that I done changed."He looked at you."I'm a changed man."

"How and why do you care so much that i'm leaving."

"Cause in four minutes i'll never have my girl again in four minutes i'll lose to some other man i'll be all alone."he got closer " four no less no more i'm desperate cause the clock's ticking only got four minutes to go."

You looked at him and you started to cry a little.

"I've done things in the past  I thought this love would lat."he got on his knees and hugged your legs."But I can't let you go baby you're my everything lady the reason I smile and the reason I talk baby the reason I breathe the only one for me  you can't go through with this if you left me my life wouldn't exist."

"Why."you tried to get him off of you but you couldn't.

"Cause i'm still in love with you and that's my word I don't give a damn what you heard oh baby i'll be true,"he got up and looked at you.You started crying."I only got four four minutes and i'm running out of time."He grabbed you and hugged you."I changed baby and yuou can't leave me ok I llove you to much I don't care how bad the argument is you are my first and only love. I Love you."

"I love you too."you continued crying.

Song:Four Minutes


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