It's Yours

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You walked into the house and Prince had a big smile on his face.

"Hey baby."you smiled hugely.

"Hey."you gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"How was your day?"he asked

"It was good.How about your day?"you asked

"It sucked."he answered


"Because I didn't see you all day."he replied.

He walked you upstairs.

"Ok Prince what do you want to do since i'm home now?"

"All I wanna do is please you come into this room and let me show you."he pulled you into the bedroom.

"Show me what?"you sat down on the bed.

"How I feel love is real know that I could never get enough cuz I ain't never been here before."he sat on the bed and showed you his poetry book about you"Read it."he demanded.

"Aww thanks Prince you really didn't have to write poems about me."you smiled

"I did so read it."he begged.

You opened the book and read the first page.

"Aww baby that is so sweet."you teared up.

"The more I get the more I want touch me baby I just love to do it to you."he grabbed some tissues"Here you go."

You took the tissues.

"Thanks Prince."

"Read the rest but not right now ok right now focus on me ok."

"Ok."you agreed.

"These other girls can't see you if you only knew how much I need you ."he looked deep in your eyes"You always had pretty eyes and I always get lost looking in them."

You giggled.

"How much?"

"Every day in every way you got me baby so addicted to you."

"Me too."

"Grab my body baby hold my heart don't break it and its yours."he out his hand where his heart was and gave you a stuffed heart.

You took it.

"I promise."

"I can't never get enough of you girl."

"You can't even when I aggravate you baby."

"No can't get enough can't get enough of you."

You smiled which made him smile.He pulled you closer to him.

"I just wanna touch you touch you hold your body till you say yeah."he slapped your butt.

"Nigga that hurt."you held rubbed you but cheek.

"Say yeah baby."

"No that shit hurt.

He got up and sat on top of you.

"Say yeah,"

You laughed.

"I mean it before."he thought

"Before what?"

He tickled you to a point where he had no choice but say yeah.


"Very."he rolled of you and rolled on the floor.

You laughed really hard.

"You fell on the on the floor."you said trying to breathe.

He got back up and laughed.

"Are you okay aw poor baby."you hugged him.

"I'm fine."he replied

You kissed his cheek.

"I'm better."he giggled"I love you y/n."

"I love you too."you replied.

Song:Its Yours

Artist:J Holiday

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