•⎡Chapter Two⎦•

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You were scrolling through your phone.

You only left Rika's apartment to get some hot coffee/tea.

You were walking back, looking up at the dim moonlight shining down on the path.

You took a sip of your drink, the temperature burning your mouth on contact.

You coughed it out, and decided to wait a few minutes before drinking it again.

You walked up to Rika's door, typed in the password, and entered- because this was where you seemed to hang now.

After all, you did accept the RFA position.

You finally sipped your drink again, relieved that it wasn't as hot as before when your phone beeped.

You opened the messenger and looked at the notification.


I wasn't trying to, but I hope I didn't freak you out or anything T_T Just know that I only want the party to be good! T_T

You hesitated for a moment.

Talking about Rika didn't necessarily bother you because you were 'replacing her'.

I don't mind! Let's work to make this party great! :)

Oh goodness. A SMILEY FACE? What were you thinking?


I'm so touched
I was worried...
I'm excited for our party already :)

He smiley faced you. You leave a note to yourself: These boys like smiley faces. Ok.

For the second time tonight, you found yourself smiling at your screen. He was a nice kid, and you were nearly the same age.

It was too early to be thinking about romance though. After all, this is one of your first days in the originization! Who would even be thinking of romance at a time like this?


Little did you know, he was thinking of romance.

It seemed like every little conversation he had with you fueled his flame brighter.

A comment about him?


Simply saying hello to him?


Saying how you're not bothered when he spills his feelings about his dead cousin to you?

That's a bright, burning forest fire.

He wonders what you look like.

Will you have bleached blonde hair like him?

Or brown hair like Jaehee?

Oh, or maybe white like Zen?

What color eyes will you have, he wonders.

Blue? Purple? Brown? Black? Green? Gray? Silver? Teal? Red?

He also wonders if you have freckles.

It doesn't matter what you look like, though.

He wants you anyway, no matter your looks.

Yoosung's so caught up in his thoughts that he barely notices the ding on his phone.

He turns, hoping it's you, only to be disappointed.

Jaehee Kang: What do you think of [Y/N]?

I'm asking everyone because I'm curious.

I really like her, and she's very kind. I can't wait to talk to her

I agree, but I do not trust her fully.

Please don't fall into her trap just because you're lonely...

He exited the messenger and sighed.


I'm not lonely. I have LoLoL!


My life is so sad.

You're also there too. He really hopes you and him talk quite often.

He wants to pursue you. He just hopes you feels the same way.

Even if you don't...isn't it possible for people to learn an emotion? After all, Yoosung learned this amazing feeling after he had met you..so surely you could learn to feel the same for him.

But hopefully nothing has to come to that.


"Hey...Yoosung?" You asked, gripping the phone in your sweaty palm.

"[Y/N]?" He yawned. Perhaps it was a little too early for you to call him, but you couldn't sleep. It was a bit shocking he was asleep though. You thought he'd be awake gaming, but you guess he fell asleep.

For some reason, whenever you did you had a nightmare. You kept having dreams about the 'Unknown' knowing about you and the party, and it kept you up knowing how dangerous it could be.

"Why are you...still awake?" He asked softly.

"I can't sleep." You replied,

"What's keeping you up? Is it a person?" He asked, and his voice sounded..serious, maybe even a bit scary.

"It's nobody in the RFA..." You said. "It's just the person who led me to Rika's apartment. It just feels weird to me, how they led me here. I'm not sure why, but I just can't sleep because of it."

"...I understand what you mean. You're just anxious." He said, and you heard him sigh. "[Y/N]. Nothing bad is going to happen to you tonight." His voice was so calm, so reassuring.

"Thank you, Yoosung." You said. "I'm smiling right now- you just can't see it."

He laughed a bit. "Alright, get some sleep. The others said you're gonna start working tomorrow."

"Ok." You sighed. "I appreciate it though, Thanks Yoosung."

"No Problem." He said cheerily.

You ended the call and laid down. When my head hit the pillow, you tossed and turned.

After thinking of Yoosung's words, you drifted off, safely into a deep sleep.

When you woke up, you received this text:

I was just wondering,
Why did you call me of all people last night?

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