•⎡Chapter Thirty⎦•

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[Y/N]= Your Name
[H/C]= Hair Color
[F/C]= Favorite Color
[F/S]= Favorite Song
[F/G]= Favorite Game
[F/D]= Favorite Drink
[C/Y]= Current Year
[F/A]= Favorite Anime
[F/SH]= Favorite Show
[F/M]= Favorite Movie
[F/F]= Favorite Food
[S/F/C]= Second Favorite Color
[C/W]= Curse Word
[L/N]= Last Name

(A/N: Chapter thirty, so get ready for a bang!)


Jaehee took a sip of her coffee. "It's been a while since we hung out." She said.

You nodded in agreement. "I've missed you Jaehee!" You said and took a sip of your own drink.

You had some small talk, mentioning Zen and his dramas a few times.

"[Y/N]..." she said suddenly. "Do you think...Zen will wake up...?"

"O-Of course!" You replied. "He heals like a monster, right?"

"I think he may have surpassed his bodies limits..." Jaehee said before getting up. "I'm going to use the bathroom, I'll be right back.

You were drinking your drink when someone slid into the booth across from you.

"Oh, Jaehee-!" You said but when you looked up, it was someone that seemed oddly familiar.

"U-Uhm, remember me from the Video Game store?" He asked, his messy brown hair covering one of his blue eyes.

"Yeah!" You said, "you're the one who called me stunning."

"L-listen...I know you have a boyfriend but...can we be friends? My name is Jin-soo but you can call me Jin." He said with a smile.

"Okay, Jin...I'm [Y/N]." You flashed him a warm smile and he blushed. "Ah!" You said, "I suppose we should exchange numbers."

You exchanged phones and put your number in his.


"...[Y/N]...who's this?" You heard Jaehee say, and Jin got up. "A-Ah- I'm just one of [Y/N]'s friends that hasn't seen her in a while...s-sorry to interrupt!" He said before leaving.

"Bye Jin!"  You waved and he waved back timidly.

"So...how has your day been?" Jaehee asked.


You know, at first...Yoosung didn't think he had killed Zen. Understandably he didn't remember doing it.

Yoosung woke up with a start in the middle of the night.

"Oh...crap I have an art project due tomorrow!" He stumbled from off the floor, quietly to make sure he didn't interrupt your sleep.

He ran into the lounging area frantically, tripping over his own feet on the way and looked into the kitchen. He was missing a vital part of his project: the scissors. If he wanted this thing to look good he needed those scissors. Who would have them, though? The closest person to him is....ah, Zen probably has scissors!

My One and Only | Yandere! Yoosung X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now