•⎡Chapter Ten⎦•

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[Y/N]= Your Name

[H/C]= Hair Color

[F/C]= Favorite Color

[F/S]= Favorite Song

[F/G]= Favorite Game

[F/D]= Favorite Drink

[C/Y]= Current Year

[F/A]= Favorite Anime

[F/SH]= Favorite Show

[L/N]= Last Name


"Hello?" You answered.

"Uhm....[Y/N]...Who were you talking to on the phone?" He asked.


"I know this is funny to say...but I thought you were talking to someone else before I called you?"

"With who?" You asked him.

"Someone you know .... someone in the RFA...Especially Zen... He's popular... and he's smooth... That might sound nice to girls... He tends to be careless about what he says so I have my eye on him."

He paused.

"Oh, and this is something else... but I think I'm a bit weird. When I see you enjoy talking with others in the messenger, I feel... itchy for some reason."


"It kind of hurts, and I don't want to see it but I can't leave... is this what it's like to be possessive? It's always the two of us there... I want to talk to you privately. I'm sorry. You might think it's boring for me to say that."

"I sign in because I enjoy talking to you." You replied, smiling although he couldn't see it.

"...Even when I hear that, I feel like there's a heavy rock on my chest. I'm so happy, but I'm nervous too. What if you start liking someone else? What if I'm no longer the reason you come to the chatroom? I can't help but think about that. I know it's important to take your feelings as they are...but why do I keep doubting and wanting confirmation?"


"When I'm happy, I get scared of losing that happiness... I must be stupid."

"Just live in the present. Don't be scared of your past and future." You said, thinking about what you learned about yourself in the shower.

"Oh, look at the time. I should quit chatting and get ready for bed. I hope you've had a good day. Good night...and think of me." He said, but it sounded more like a polite order than a request.

You were about to hang up, but right as your finger was over the button, he spoke again.

"...You still haven't hung up? Hello? Oh... I guess you're still there. I just need to say this to be honest...You know...I don't know if this is what jealousy is.

I want you to only look at me.

I want you to look at me, cherish me, and just only talk to me.

Your kind voice, words, I want those all to be geared towards me.

If this is jealousy, then I am being jealous....Sweat dreams. I'm really hanging up now. Good night." His voice was soft, yet firm.

He hung up before you could reply, and you knew that was on purpose.

He was nervous, just like you were. On top of that...Jealous?
How could someone that had just met you have such deep feelings for you?

No, it doesn't matter.

You've already decided to be his girlfriend, so no going back now!

There's no way it can get weirder than this, right?

You like Yoosung, and he clearly likes you.

So no holding back right?

You sighed and gave yourself a confident push forward and smiled.

Still, the message he left you made you uneasy as you laid your head down.

It lingered in your thoughts.

I want you to only look at me.
I want you to look at me, cherish me, and just only talk to me.
Your kind voice, words, I want those all to be geared towards me.

His thoughts sent an eerie chill up your spine as you drifted off to sleep.

The next morning you woke up to silence, nothing else but the noise of your own light breathing filled the room. It was an unusually cold morning, so you woke snuggled up like a kitten. You got up gently, and careful not to remove the blanket from your body. Your nose itched, and felt like it was running, so you wiped it with your hand. A few seconds later you realized your nose was not running, but was bleeding instead.

Probably because of the cold air, You thought to yourself.

You frantically ran to the bathroom, because boy, was this nose bleeding. You grabbed a tissue, put it under the bleeding nostril, and pinched. This is what the nurses at your elementary school had told you to do anyway. It worked before, and it makes sense. Put pressure on it, and don't block it up. The best way to stop a bloody nose!

After a while, it stopped, and you sighed in relief. You looked at Rika's bed sheets and shrieked, realizing the bloody nose had occurred in your sleep. The sheets were blood stained and, and so were the comforters and pillows. Infact, your pajamas were also blood stained- as was your neck! You had just took a shower, too! This monster of a bloody nose destroyed your favorite pair of pajamas!

You sighed, walking back into the bathroom. You turned the knob towards the H, and stripped yourself down, entering the shower. After washing all the blood off, you sighed and stepped out.

You had to wash Rika's blankets...

To the Laundromat!

You grabbed all the things the blood had stained, and put them in a bag. Luckily, Rika's apartment had a laundromat downstairs that you found empty. You stuffed everything inside a washer and put a won inside the coin slot. 

That's when you remembered you were in the R.F.A. So you opened your messenger, and oddly Yoosung hadn't called or texted you since last night. You ignored that fact for now, and read the messages you missed, learning that Zen injured his ankle. 

You entered a chatroom asking him if Zen was alright, and he replied with yes. Everyone wanted to know Yoosung's major, which you personally believed it was either Medicine or Humanities. 

Throughout the whole day, everyone was talking about the two of you, but it wasn't always in the good way. It started to get worse. Yoosung started to think you WERE Rika, even if you tried to distinguish otherwise. 

Of course, he'll snap out of it eventually, right?

New Chatroom: ~Just Like Rika

....Oh, Yoosung... 

Don't worry... I'll fix this...

Because I care about you, not because I'm Rika.

I hope you see that one day.

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