•⎡Chapter Twenty⎦•

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[Y/N]= Your Name
[H/C]= Hair Color
[F/C]= Favorite Color
[F/S]= Favorite Song
[F/G]= Favorite Game
[F/D]= Favorite Drink
[C/Y]= Current Year
[F/A]= Favorite Anime
[F/SH]= Favorite Show
[F/M]= Favorite Movie
[F/F]= Favorite Food
[S/F/C]= Second Favorite Color
[L/N]= Last Name

(A/N: I feel like the last chapter was cringey and gross so I'm going to try make up for it. Oh yeah, idk if I should mention this but I think you guys can tell this is unedited so far.)

"[Y/N]~!" He sung.

What had you experienced recently? The sudden change between his moods was scary. Sometimes he was happy, yet sometimes he was over-protective...so it had you wondering, which one was the real him? You didn't dare ask, though. He probably wouldn't understand the question anyway.

Before he came back into the room, you wiped your tears and took a deep breath.

Now in the lounge, was a chair that it looked like he intended to tie you to.

"I'm not sitting in that chair, Yoosung." You said firmly crossing your arms, although you felt like you wouldn't have a choice in the matter.

"You're being really difficult, [Y/N]." He sighed. "Listen, It's not like I want to hurt you."

You turned away from him in a cold manner. "Fine, let me go then."

You didn't know how he responded, but you could feel an aura of annoyance.
"What, did you just expect me to cooperate with the person who's trapping me here?"

"Haha, maybe. I'm not sure why you're not cooperating. I'm not doing anything wrong except for keeping you in here. I'm not poisoning you, murdering you, or anything else..." he said, his voice anything but the cheery one you were used to. It was more grim and annoyed.

You turned, and he was a bit closer than before, which made you uneasy. "How can you say something like that so easily..?" You asked, but you weren't sure whether you wanted his answer.

"Do you want some lunch?" He didn't answer the question.

"What? I thought you wanted me to sit in the-"

"That doesn't matter anymore. I can't make you do anything you don't want to." He replied.

"You're the most generous kidnapper I've ever heard of." You said coldly.

"Don't think of me as a kidnapper, then. So, want any food?" You looked into his eyes. The amethyst gems had no  distinct emotion inside of them, no reaction to anything going on at the moment. It was an odd feeling, but right now you couldn't place the word for it.

"A drink is fine." You said. "[F/D]."

He returned with your drink, and you took a sip without even thinking about it- which in retrospect probably wasn't your best choice.

After a few moments you felt that familiar lightheadedness, and as you turned to look at Yoosung, his eyes were the same. Empty.

That's when you realized that the word you were looking for earlier was: calculating.


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