•⎡Chapter Thirty-Five⎦•

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[Y/N]= Your Name
[H/C]= Hair Color
[F/C]= Favorite Color
[F/S]= Favorite Song
[F/G]= Favorite Game
[F/D]= Favorite Drink
[C/Y]= Current Year
[F/A]= Favorite Anime
[F/SH]= Favorite Show
[F/M]= Favorite Movie
[F/F]= Favorite Food
[S/F/C]= Second Favorite Color
[C/W]= Curse Word
[L/N]= Last Name

[A/N]: there's gonna be an authors note at the end of the chapter. Oh, and this is a bit confusing, but the italic words are your thoughts from the future as this event is going on. (If that makes sense..?) It's you AFTER this already happened.It's basically as if you were looking back on this and thinking about it. Sorry if it's a bit confusing!

They say there's 5 stages of grief.

You had completely forgotten that you fell asleep on Yoosung. So, of course, when you woke up and realized the situation you were in, you yelped, jumped up, and hit your head on the table above you.

"OW!" You yelled and rolled out of the fort.

Yoosung rolled out after you. "Are you okay [Y/N]?! I heard you yell."

"Mmm...yeah..." you groaned as you held your head.

Is someone's death the only way to go through the stages?

You looked up at him, and he was looking at you and smiling. "W-What is it..?!" You asked a bit flustered.

He blushed. "Oh, uhm...nothing..." he said and got up.

"Want breakfast? I practiced making omurice so that I could make it for you!" He said, his eyes lighting up at the very idea of making you a nice meal

Did he go through any of the stages at all?

"Okay." You said. "I'm excited to try it!"

He whipped up omurice, and it looked a lot better than the picture he had sent you before.

The two of you ate in an odd silence. Yoosung looked like he was thinking about something.

After you finished eating, you decided to break the awkwardness.
"Oh!" You said suddenly, "With everything going on, I totally forgot!"

"Forgot about what?" He asked with a quizzical look.

"You promised we could play games together!" You said, "on our date, remember?"

He thought about it for a moment. "Oh, yeah."

"So then let's play!" You said and grabbed his hand, dragging him along.

You were halfway through the kitchen when he suddenly stopped, and his grip on your hand grew tighter.

"..Yoosung..?" You asked, turning to look at him. He looked upset. There were tears forming at the corner of his eyes. Something similar had happened before, but this time you didn't feel threatened at all. "..What's wrong..?"

Or is it possible to go through some of them as you watch your love for someone as it dies..?

He took a shaky breath. "I...I can't keep this from you anymore."

My One and Only | Yandere! Yoosung X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now