•⎡Chapter Twelve⎦•

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[Y/N]= Your Name
[H/C]= Hair Color
[F/C]= Favorite Color
[F/S]= Favorite Song
[F/G]= Favorite Game
[F/D]= Favorite Drink
[C/Y]= Current Year
[F/A]= Favorite Anime
[F/SH]= Favorite Show
[F/M]= Favorite Movie
[L/N]= Last Name


That's what Seven had said in the chatroom. His profile picture was a red flashing light as well. What was it he said? There was a bomb in the apartment? The thought made you laugh from fear. You can't leave the apartment, so all you have to eat are chips and iced tea.

Where would they put the bomb, anyway? In one of these drawers? Under the bed?
Wherever it is, you can't look for it because the whole place will go ka-blam if you touch anything.

The silence was tense, and when your phone rang, it scared you so much that you jumped off the bed. A deja vu feeling of pain hit
you as you answered the phone.

"[Y/N]!" Yoosung said, he sounded scared. No, correct that. He sounded scared for you.
"I just read the messages....are you alright? Nothing happened?"

"I'm fine." You replied.

"I can't understand why V would put a bomb in Rika's apartment. Not only that but let you stay there afterwards?"

"It's a bit crazy." You said.

"A little more than crazy." He said.

You smiled. "Please don't worry about me Yoosung. I'm fine. As long as I don't leave the apartment the bomb shouldn't go off."

"What about food? And drinks? How will you eat?"

"I have some food."

He sighed. "Okay. I feel better now. It's just-"

"What is it?" You asked.

"I want to be there to protect you...but I can't. I want to save you...but I can't." He murmured softly. "It's impossible to feel good when you're in danger and I can't save you."

"Yoosung...." You were filled with a warm feeling. "Thank you for wanting to protect me. In the time that you can't, why don't you talk to me instead?"


"Over the phone! Oh, and in the messenger of course!" It was a simple thing, but it meant a lot.

"Y-you...just w-want to talk..?" You could hear him getting flustered.

"Of course. I can't see you in real life...so let's talk." You said, imagining him like his photos show him. His blonde hair and his cute amethyst eyes.

"Okay! Let's talk!" He said. "I want you to hang in there [Y/N]. If you're scared, y-you c-can...call me! No matter what time it is...okay? Just like your first night in the RFA. I'll talk to you until you fall asleep!"

"O-okay, Yoosung." You said, blushing wildly. "I'd love that."

"Me too." He said, and you were smiling from ear to ear.

"Yoosung, Thanks." You said, and you wiped a tear that was threatening to spill away from your eye. It was out of fear because of the bomb, but you didn't need to cry. Yoosung would make you feel better again.

"Huh? For what?"

"Just...talking. It helps a lot." You said, your blush still remaining in your face. "I admit I'm scared, but I won't do anything drastic. I'll just have to stay here."

"Stay strong!" He said furiously.

"I will." You said, and he ended the call.

"As long as you do..." You whispered. You sighed, his words making you feel safe and

Your cheeks were warm, and you had a flustered feeling filling your whole body.

Your phone dinged a quiet ding, and you sighed looking down. The phone was warm in your hand, and the notification read:

New Chatroom: The Feelings for [Y/N]

Your heart jumped, butterflies overcoming it because of what you saw before you entered the  Chatroom. It was just you and Yoosung.

You read as he professed his feelings for you, and even...asked you to be his pre-girlfriend!

How sweet!

Your heart was pounding, no, fluttering out of your chest. It danced with excitement of your new 'relationship'.

After all, you could only be actually dating once you met in real life.

Yet you were already committed in the best possible way to Yoosung, someone that you felt so strongly for even though you only met him a few days ago. Your face warmed up and you were grinning without even realizing it. The fear of the bomb was replaced with a warm happiness, and maybe that was his intention.

You sighed, and turned on your [F/M] out of boredom, the thought of Yoosung and you never leaving your mind. You picked up your phone, still grinning, and answered all the emails you needed too. The task was surprisingly difficult, with your current state of mind. Not only were your heartstrings playing, but you were supressing your fear of the bomb underneath of all of it.

For some reason, none of the dangerous bomb stuff seemed to matter. You were just so elated to be in a relationship with Yoosung.

You decided to calm down by going to bed, and snugged yourself into the covers, the warm feeling still remaining within you as you drifted off to sleep.

Four days until your relationship is official, and you can't wait.

My One and Only | Yandere! Yoosung X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now