•⎡Chapter Nineteen⎦•

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[Y/N]= Your Name
[H/C]= Hair Color
[F/C]= Favorite Color
[F/S]= Favorite Song
[F/G]= Favorite Game
[F/D]= Favorite Drink
[C/Y]= Current Year
[F/A]= Favorite Anime
[F/SH]= Favorite Show
[F/M]= Favorite Movie
[F/F]= Favorite Food
[S/F/C]= Second Favorite Color
[L/N]= Last Name

(A/N: Sorry about how long it took to update, I had a stomach bug for a few days and it really messed me up. Everything's good now though!)
You woke up bright and early, almost jumping out of bed despite your slight exhaustion. You yawned, but were excited anyway.

The party is today! You thought both excitedly and anxiously as you walked forward, but you tripped on something. Or...was it someone? After being alone for so long, you weren't used to waking up to someone else in the room, and you tripped over the sleeping boy, completely toppling over him and crashing against the floor. Once again, klutziness struck again.

"Rhg-? [Y/N]? What are you..." Yoosung sat up groggily, scratching his head. "Oh, are you alright?!"

You sighed, now on the floor, smiled, and laughed a bit. "I'm fine, Yoosung. I tripped over you though, so are you alright?"

"I'm fine!" He smiled a wide smile, and then sighed. "Although, I feel like we already had a conversation similar to this, haha."

You smiled in reply, and stood. "Are you excited for the party later today Yoosung?"

"Yeah!" he replied and helped you up once again.

You smiled happily at him as you both exited the room. He insisted on making breakfast, so you sat down as he hummed along as he cooked.

"So, the party's at noon, right?" Yoosung asked after sitting down with a two decently cooked rice omelettes. "I don't mean this in like a weird way, but are we going to show up together?"

"Well, I actually think I should go back to the apartment first, only because I have some things I need to check first." You said.

He grew quiet, but only for a second. "That's okay. I'm sure we'll spend more time together in the future."

You nodded, and finished eating rather quietly.

When you stood and cleaned off your dish, you went into Yoosung's room and grabbed your bag, making sure everything was in there. To your dismay, there was one object missing from the bag.

"Yoosung?" You entered his lounge-type area, and he turned away from his computer-in which he was already playing- and looked at you. "Do you know where my phone is?"

"It should be in your bag." He stated, "Other than that, I'm not sure where else it would be."

"Can you help me look for it? Please?" You pleaded, and he nodded.

"Of course I'll help. I'm sure you have important stuff in there." He said, and the two of you basically ransacked his apartment looking for your cellphone. Under mattresses, inside couch cushions, every place your phone might have gotten to. Yet, you still didn't find it.

Yoosung looked sour as he sat. "We trashed the place and we still didn't find it."

You sighed, "I guess I'll have to go without it, although it will be difficult.."

"Go where?" He asked.

"The party." You replied.

"Oh...right." He said. "You know, [Y/N]...I've been thinking about the party." He turned to you, and got a bit closer. You hesitantly stepped back a bit.

"Oh? You've been...thinking?" For some reason, all the red lights of danger were going off in your mind.

He took a step closer, and you took a step backwards. "Yes. It's just...oh, how do I say this..?"

"If something's troubling you...you can tell me.." You said, and he inched forward again.

"Well, it's just that....I don't want you to leave." He said in a low whisper, his step forwar making you step back into the wall, and his face was inches from yours.

Any smart person would know this is a dangerous situation.

Panicking, you ducked under him and booked it. In your hurry, however, you stumbled on the loose couch cushions that remained on the floor and continued running. You grabbed the door, your hands gripping it mercilessly as fear ran through your system. You twisted it, but the door did not open. Of course, locked. What a cliché.

You unlocked the door and opened it, but Yoosung put his hand against the door and held it closed, looming over you. "Sorry, [Y/N]. If I let you leave you might stay gone forever..." His voice was almost in a whimper, but you held back from feeling any mercy or sympathy for him.

"You're joking, right?" Your voice was shaky, he could probably hear the fear in it.

"I'm not. Would I really go this far for a joke?" He asked, and turned the lock. "Are you going to try to leave again?" You stumbled away from him shakily. "You trying to escape really would be bothersome, because I only want to keep you here. I don't want to have to do anything drastic or anything...it's because I like you, [Y/N], don't you understand?"

"N...No..." You said, "I have a life, and friends...Yoosung let me out!" You yelled, almost screamed.

"If you had friends why would you spend a whole week alone in an apartment when you clearly could've hung out with them?" He asked you rather cruelly, whether he intended it to be that way or not. "

With hot tears in your eyes, you ran towards the door frantically, but he just picked you up and put you over his shoulder, despite how weak he looked.

"You need to calm down." He sighed, "It's not that big of a deal. We'll be here together, after all." He tried to reassure you.

"I'll be here with my psycho kidnapper!" You yelled, kicking him and hitting him.

"We had such a nice date, [Y/N]." He said sadly.

"That was before you kidnapped me!" You basically repeated.

"Whatever." He sighed as he placed you down. "Mind waiting here? If you try to run I guarantee you wont get far." He looked at you for a second. "Oh! This is only temporary but..." He looked around and pulled something out of a box. Before you knew what was happening, your arm was handcuffed to the chair. "Now wait here while I get your seat!" He clapped his hands together while chills went up your spine because of how creepy that line was.

Perhaps you should've listened to Seven instead of brushing it off as one of his jokes. It's too late now, but who knows what will happen to you? Sure, he said he wants to keep you in here, but who knows if he'll hurt you or not.

You wiped your tears as they fell fresh from your face, unable to control the wave of emotions hitting you at this moment.

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