•⎡Chapter Seventeen⎦•

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[Y/N]= Your Name
[H/C]= Hair Color
[F/C]= Favorite Color
[F/S]= Favorite Song
[F/G]= Favorite Game
[F/D]= Favorite Drink
[C/Y]= Current Year
[F/A]= Favorite Anime
[F/SH]= Favorite Show
[F/M]= Favorite Movie
[F/F]= Favorite Food
[S/F/C]= Second Favorite Color
[L/N]= Last Name

"Yoosung, stop kidding around." Seven said.

"This isn't a joke." Yoosung said. "Tell me the address."

"You know I can't." Seven said. "I'm not afraid to die, either."

Yoosung just rolled his eyes. "Come on, you only have to say a few numbers and a word or two! It's not like it's the end of the world."

Seven suddenly held up the bomb.
"Why don't I press this, then?"

"You won't." Yoosung said as if he knew it for a fact. "because it will kill [Y/N] too."

Seven knew that he was right, and tensed up, putting the now useless button down.

"Now then, why don't you tell me?"

Seven stayed still, and sighed.
"Just shoot me then."

"You can't be serious." Yoosung asked.

"I am. Shoot me."

"All over an address? Ridiculous." Yoosung said, and made a 'tch' noise.

The blonde sighed, and turned his attention to the other man in the room.
"Fine, if Seven won't tell me... why don't you tell me?" Yoosung put the gun under the man's chin and waited for a reply. "Anything? I know you know her address. You are the one who led [Y/N] to the apartment, aren't you?"

The man didn't reply, he only looked irritated. Yoosung cupped his chin and raised his head a bit more while he stared into his intense Mint green eyes.

"Fine. You've threatened to kill [Y/N] twice now. So that's a good reason for me to-"

"Fine, Yoosung. You win." Seven's voice said from behind me. "[Rika's Address]. There it is. That's the address. [Rika's Address]." He repeated and afterwards Yoosung turned a bit surprised. Seven had tears in his sad looking eyes.

"That's the real address?" Yoosung asked.

"Yes. Now let go of him, please!" Seven said ferociously.

Yoosung did as he was asked, and let go of the dangerous man, making him fall onto the ground once again. Yoosung was still a bit surprised, he never would have expected Seven to give up a secret because of another person.

Just who was the hacker, and why is he so important to Seven? Yoosung wondered.

"The data's transferred....lets go." Seven said a bit apprehensively. He knew he couldn't leave Yoosung here, although he sort of wanted to. He didn't know what you would say if he just left your boyfriend here. He could get hurt or worse when he doesn't have any sort of escape route. Although Seven wouldn't be surprised if Yoosung walked home just to see you. Either way, leaving him here would be bad. This was going to be one awkward car ride.

"Okay~!" Yoosung said cheerily and practically skipped out. A few seconds later he popped his head in, looked at the hacker, smiled, and said "Don't touch [Y/N] anymore!"

Seven turned to the hacker with a sad expression on his face. He didn't know what to do, or even what to say. "I'm sorry."


The sun was setting back at Rika's apartment, and you stretched slowly, both of your arms moving at their own pace as you laid on the bed.

You were wearing a [S/F/C] sweater with black leggings. Nothing was happening today except for worry. Tomorrow was the party, though.

Suddenly a knock erupted from the door. A light but quick knock, as if to show impatience.

You got up cautiously. You weren't expecting any visitors, were you?

No, you weren't.

You opened up the door slowly yet cautiously and your heart dropped. From excitement maybe? You couldn't tell.
Standing at the door was your pre-boyfriend, smiling and as happy as you've seen him in the pictures.

"[Y/N]." He said. "Wanna go on a date?"

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