•⎡Chapter Twenty-Nine⎦•

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[Y/N]= Your Name
[H/C]= Hair Color
[F/C]= Favorite Color
[F/S]= Favorite Song
[F/G]= Favorite Game
[F/D]= Favorite Drink
[C/Y]= Current Year
[F/A]= Favorite Anime
[F/SH]= Favorite Show
[F/M]= Favorite Movie
[F/F]= Favorite Food
[S/F/C]= Second Favorite Color
[C/W]= Curse Word
[L/N]= Last Name

(A/N: so I accidentally deleted the other chapter 29 at 4 in the morning so let's just...pretend the other one never happened?)

You woke up that morning after having a strange dream. You had like, walked in on Yoosung in the shower or something. How odd. Who doesn't hear running water, anyway?

You sighed as you walked through the house. Speaking of running water....it seemed like Yoosung was in the shower.

You dismissed that and walked into the kitchen, making yourself some [F/F] along with some [Coffee/Tea]. Sitting at the table, you idly scrolled through your notifications.

As weird as it may seem, you were starting to get used to life here. Yoosung had been a lot nicer to you lately, after all.

You adjusting to this place? Quite the scary though, you realized. However, it was starting to feel like home in its odd way.

Don't worry, you didn't have Stockholm Syndrome or anything...you'd just rather be in this apartment with Yoosung then alone in an apartment with a bomb. Is that really so crazy?

Well...Yoosung himself was kind of a ticking time bomb. Are the two places...really that different?

Of course...one of them explodes and the other...gets...kinky?

Gosh, what had you got yourself into?

You sighed, resigning yourself into your food. Eventually, your phone rang and you answered it without hesitation.

"Yhm, Wello?" You asked, face full of food.

"Ah, [Y/N]...I'm glad you answered." Jaehee's voice said from the phone. It seemed a little tired.

"Woh Wey Yaehee!" You said before finally swallowing the contents in your mouth. "So what's up?"

"I..wanted to ask you if you could visit Zen again with me today." She said softly. "Just us."

You, Yoosung, and Jaehee went to visit Zen together frequently. You wondered why she's asking like this, after all she seems a bit...sad.

"Of course, Jaehee. But without Yoosung..? Why?" You asked, a bit timidly.

"I..just want it to be the two of us. Is that alright? You and Yoosung are practically glued at the hip." She let out a soft laugh.

"Glued at the hip, huh..?" You muttered to yourself, scratching your cheek nervously. "Of course I'll go with you."

"Th-Thanks [Y/N]!" She said abruptly, yet seemingly more happily than her previous speech. "I'll pick you up after work!"

Then the call ended. You sighed, supposing that you actually had to get dressed and ready now. You didn't really feel like it but...it's for Jaehee.

Soon after the call ended Yoosung came in with a basket of laundry and nervousness instantly shuddered throughout your whole body.
"H-hey, Yoosung.." you say, and he stops and turns to you.

"Yes, [Y/N]?" He asked, his hair was pinned back like it was in the picture he sent you of him brushing his teeth.

"Uh...I was going to go to the hospital to visit Zen. Is that...alright?"

His face was blank in a thinking expression. "Yeah, of course!" He said. "Call me when you're on your way back."

"Oh...I'm not leaving until later. I'll let you know when I leave." You said with a soft smile and he nodded, and continued walking.

You jumped in the shower and then got dressed and ready.

Soon after that, you heard a vibration on your phone, and saw that the text was from Jaehee.

"Alright, Yoosung! I'm leaving now. I'll be back later." You called as you entered the living room and he followed you in.

"Okay! Have fun! Be safe! Don't stay out too late!!" He said frantically before hugging you.

At first you didn't hug back, but then you patted his back with a warm smile.
"Alright! See you later."

Once in Jaehee's car, you buckled up and she started driving in the direction of the hospital.

She turned on the radio gleefully, and "Blood Sweat & Tears" by one of her favorite bands-BTS- came on.

Jaehee cutely sang along to it, and seeing her this...well...happy, made you warm inside. She'd been having a rough time lately.

"I was thinking about going to a Café when we're done. Would you like to go?" The brunette asked.

"Of course!" You said, and she smiled back at you.

Eventually, the two of you arrived at the hospital, and entered Zen's room.

Jaehee looked at her close friend laying in the hospital bed, and you heard her take a shaky breath.

"Zen..." she muttered, holding a box that you just now noticed. "I brought the deluxe DVDs like I said I would...you always told me about how you wanted to watch the directors cut with me." She grabbed onto his hand.

"I-" she took another shaken breath, and seeing her this sad just crushed your heart. You yourself started to tear up.

"Happy Birthday, Zen." She said. "Y'know...they're going to pull your plug soon. Wake up, okay? I-I..I'll miss you too much."

Then she turned and walked out. You saw the tears in her eyes as she left, most likely to wait in the hallway.

You looked at Zen, tears in your eyes.
"Zen...please wake up. This is...all my fault and I don't know what to do." Your voice came out shakier than you thought it would, and water streamed down your cheeks.

"Jaehee's sad because of me..." You said and laid your head on his chest, crying on it. "The RFA Chatroom is almost silent now...is this what happened when Rika died? Was everyone silent and sad like this? Even...Even Jumin hasn't said anything, about you...or anything else. I-I think he missed you, Zen. I think he was..." your tears grew stronger, "#1 Zen trash." You let out a sad laugh and turned to leave.

"I'm sorry I didn't get you anything but tears...Happy Birthday, Zen. I...hope this really was one big April Fools Joke."

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