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I can't say I slept last night. All that thought about the quest and prophecy kept me awake and thinking. Not to mention the awesome bronze boat I made for the quest, which took ,about three hours like I said at yesterday's second meeting. I woke up from a two hour sleep at my work table. All I could think about right now was how much I would miss Piper. I glanced over at my clock and noticed the time: 11:30am. We left for the quest in half an hour. My eyed widened and I literally jumped off my stool and got dressed in my usual camp T-Shirt and khakis with black Nikes, and of course, my tool belt. I grabbed the nearest empty backpack and threw in extra clothes, shoes/socks, nectar/ambrosia, and some golden drachma. I said bye to my cabinmates. I opened the door with a toothbrush in my mouth to see, Natalie and Jason about to knock. "Sorry, I woke up late.". They studied me and nodded. I led them to the docks where everyone was gathered and where out boat was, they all said their goodbyes. That's when Piper pushed through the crowd and kissed me.
"I'm gonna miss you." She said with pain in her voice.
"I'll miss you too, but I'll make sure to Iris-Message you everyday." I grinned
She smiled, kissed my cheek, then hugged Jason and Natalie.

We hopped into our boat and there was tension between the three of us. I broke the silence "So, where are we going again?
"Well, the prophecy says Travel to the Ancient Lands. I'm going to guess that's Greece?" Jason said
Natalie nodded. I put the coordinates for Greece in the compass and suddenly the boat lurched to the right. We all almost fell overboard. "What. Was that?!" Natalie shrieked. Her face was priceless, eyes wide and she turned pale. Me and Jason started laughing.
"Calm down." Jason chuckled
I smirked "That, was the boat changing course"
She rolled her eyes at us and folded her arms. Me and Jason looked at each other and shook our heads with a smirk on our faces. The boat lurched forward, Natalie jumped up and un-sealthed her pure black sword. It lurched again and something appeared out of the water, a giant crab. Me, being soo heroic, I burst into flames. But that came with good defence. The crab focused its beady black eyes on me and had a.....Scared look?? It went back into water and too late did I realize that I was still in flames. "Leo! Put out your flames!" Natalie and Jason say in unison. I put them out and said "Whoops." Slightly embarrassed. Natalie sealthed her sword and smirked. Jason was sitting in silence, probably daydreaming. I snapped my fingers under his nose and he flinched, me and Natalie trying our best not to laugh. "What happened?"
"You zoned out." Natalie said.
He stared at us blankly "I did?"
Me and Natalie looked at each other and nodded at him. Jason looked out in the distance and squinted "I think I see land."
"Already? We just left camp!"
Natalie snorted "That's what you think. Look at the sky."
I looked up to see the sun already setting. "Well. How about we stay in a hotel for the night? I have mortal cash."
They both nodded in agreement.

We docked our boat and to our surprise there was a motel right in front of us. We looked at each other and grinned. The three of us started walking forward. The motel was a large grey building shaped like a horseshoe. We entered the building and paid for our room. Jason kept looking around cautiously, but me and Natalie just ignored it. In our room there was two beds, a mini fridge filled with water and soda's, a bathroom, dressers and a flatscreen TV. Immediately, I dropped my bags and belly-flopped into the right bed, since my face was in a pillow I said "I call this one." It came out muffled. Jason and Natalie laughed. I rolled on my back and sighed. Jason sat on the left bed and Natalie turned the lights off and the TV on. We watched movies for about three hours, then we all drifted in to the wonderful world of dreams. Not Really.
I stood in a dark room which I recognized only because Natalie had described it. In a cell I saw her brother, much clearer now. He was sleeping but looked dangerously thin. At his side there was three pomegranate seeds left.
My dream faded and I woke up, it was morning and Jason and Natalie were awake and watching TV. I knew one thing: Nico di Angelo had only three days left, including today.

Book 1: The Revenge Of The FallenWhere stories live. Discover now