Mr. Virginity (pt 13)*

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The long Derek drove around the more curious Stiles became. Derek avoided his second attempt to find out where they were going. In the end, Stiles gave up and just listened to music as Derek drove around.

"We are here," Derek said as he put the truck in park. Stiles looked at Derek wondering if he was serious or not.

"We just graduated from here five hours from him and you came back here?" Derek smiled.

"I just want to show you some things. Besides, we have all night, unless there is some other place you rather be?" He had a good reason for bringing Stiles here.

"There is no place I rather be but with you." Within seconds Stiles' face turned red. He turned his face away and grabbed the handle of the door. Derek smiled and opened the door to get out. He quickly switched violin cases. Stiles stood on the side of the truck looking up at the sky. Derek smiled and lead the way across the backfield.

"So what sort of job will you be starting when you leave?" Derek thought now would be a good time to ask. Stiles quickly answered a text from Lydia as they walked.

"Going to be working as an intern for a magazine company. Just doing all the boring stuff like paperwork and getting coffee. Hopefully, I'll actually be able to put my own photos in." They reached the other side of the field to the door of the side of the gym. Derek looked for the gym key.

"I'm sure you will. You did a great job with the yearbook. Everything looked so professional."Derek found the key and unlocked the door.

"Why do you have a key to the gym?" Stiles asked curiously.

"I was the damn captain of just about every sport except Lacrosse and Track. Coach gave me a key so I could clean up after games and practices. He just forgot to ask for the key back." Derek opened the door and let Stiles in. "So after you're done with College, what do you want to do."

Stiles watched as Derek carefully let the door shut behind them. There was dim lighting in the gym. "Become a teacher. Students need art in their lives. A creative outlet." Derek looked at Stiles. "What?"

"I didn't know you wanted to be a teacher too." Derek decided a long time ago a sports career wasn't something he wanted. "I didn't always like playing the violin you know." Derek took Stiles and walked out into the hallway. "I started playing when I was eleven. My Mom wanted me to do something other than play sports. I didn't really like it."

"Then why keep playing?" Stiles asked. Derek looked at him.

" I saw a competition once. Kids my age competing against each other. My competitive nature just took over. I started practicing more and more after I lost the first one I wad in. I placed fifth not even the top three. I hate losing. Eventually, I grew to love it." Stiles smiled. He had never heard Derek talk about anything so openly before aside from his sisters. Derek walked into the empty classroom. It seemed so different at night.

"What do you love about it?" Derek set his case down on a desk. He leads Stiles to a seat by the window. The same seat he always sat in during first period.

"Everything. The feeling I get when I play is amazing. It's hard for me to truly describe it to you." Derek sat Stiles down at the desk. "But, I can show you. I wrote something earlier this year." Derek could feel himself blushing. He slowly walked back to the front of the room.

"The Tempered Fox." Derek smiled a little. "The first time I was in your room, I saw it on the desk."

"Then you know it's about you." Derek opened up the case and pulled out his brand new violin. He turned the switch on, watched the colors change in the darkness of the room. Stiles didn't say anything else. He watched as Derek picked up the bow in his hands and closed his eyes.

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