The Mysterious Disappearance Stiles Stilinski

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 I decided

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 I decided. Sterek  Files will have 2 more AUs after this one. After those two end I might end the series.  After Sterek Files I might create a whole other book that features the Sterek offspring in their on adventures.

Getting off the elevator Stiles went down the hall to Derek's loft. He had already texted Derek and said he was on his way up. Before he got to the door Derek shout out the door.

"Run!" Derek said holding the door shut from his side.

"Derek Hale! Open this damn door!" Stiles had heard that voice before.

"Your sister is visiting again?" Stiles asked.

"Yes, and she wants to meet you for some reason." Now he could see why he was holding the door. "She read my text messages while I was in the bathroom. Didn't help that Issac told her we spend a lot of time together."

Stiles smirked. "So she thinks I'm your boyfriend?" Derek turned red and held on tighter to the door. "Well if she wants to meet me I guess it's for a good reason. Make sure I'm not corrupting you or something."

"You don't have to Stiles." Stiles pulled Derek's hands off the doorknob.

"I want to." Stiles wanted to see if she was as crazy Derek made her sound. The front door went flying open. Laura looked half out of breath.

"Now I see why he has been hiding you," Laura said trying to catch her breath. Laura signed something to Derek and Derek rolled his eyes.

"He knows ASL Laura." As if he wasn't already red in the face, Laura had made it worse. Stiles smiled. Laura had called him cute. "We should be going."

"Not so fast." Laura opened the door for them to come inside. "What's the rush?" Derek groaned and Stiles followed him inside. The two of them sat at the counter. "So how did you two meet?"

"School," Derek said bluntly. Stiles could tell he was getting into one of his grumpy moods.

"I wasn't asking you Der bear." Stiles smiled even more even more at the cute nickname his sister had for him.

"We met at school. Derek was having auditions for a dance partner. We didn't like each other at first." That seemed like the best way, to sum up what had happened.

"My brother doesn't get along with people much, always has. Our sister is the same way. I guess you can say I am the nice one besides Issac." Laura joked. "If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? Seem rather young to be dating my brother."

"I'm nineteen, I turn twenty in July." Derek shot up out of his chair. "But the age thing doesn't bother me." He wasn't going to correct her. "And before you ask, I know Derek is struggling his hearing. It's not an issue for me. I enjoy his company a lot."

Derek's eyes grew wide. "I think what I enjoy the most about Derek's company is that everything seems to fades away." Stiles casually reached over and placed his hand on to of Derek's. "Breath Derek."

"So you two are actually dating? Derek won't tell me anything. Which is why I had to look at his phone." Stiles laced his finger's together with Derek hoping it would calm him down.

"No, but I think we are on our way to dating. After all, this is our first date." Stiles wished he wasn't so good at coming up with lies on the spot. "But for now it's safe to say we are good friends. I rather let Derek decide."

Derek tilted his head. "This is a date?" Confusion spread across his face.

Stiles smiled at him. "This potentially could be one." He didn't see the harm in the idea of taking Derek on a date. "Would you like to go on date with me?"

Derek froze up looking wide-eyed. On his list of possible things, he didn't think this one of them. "I...I thought you were straight."

"I am going to let you guys go so you can talk about this." Laura came around the counter and kissed Derek's cheek. "Have a good time." Stiles got up silently followed Derek out into the hall. He watched Derek fight with his hearing aids. For the first time, he was actually wearing the both of them.

"I thought you were straight." They had been sitting in the parking lot for five minutes. They had driven to the arcade in silence.

"I'm not and I haven't been straight as long as I can remember. In fact, I don't think I was ever attracted to women." It was best he said something now.

"You went on a date with Erica." Stiles looked at Derek wondering how he knew that. "It's amazing what you hear when people think you can't hear them. I heard her talking about it to Alison."

"Are you mad that I did?" Stiles didn't know what made him ask.

"Kinda," Derek mumbled.

"Derek I'm gay," Stiles said more slowly. "Yes, we went on a date. It was a double date and the first date I've been on since I came to the realization that I am not attracted to women. Erica made a move on me. She tried to make out with me and I left. It was weird and things have been weird since then. At the time she didn't know I didn't like women."

Derek's expression changed a little. "Great, you two kissed."

"I'm sorry that upsets you." More and more he could see he should have told Derek sooner.

"Why are you apologizing to me? Not like we are together." Derek said coldly

"That might be true, but I'm not totally blind to the fact that your face turns this faint peach color sometimes around me." Stiles noticed that Derek might like him more than a friend. Derek opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it. He didn't know what to say.

Stiles got out of the Jeep and came around to Derek's side. He opened up the door. Like before his cheeks were red. He looked wide-eyed at Stiles. "Come on." Stiles reached out his hand. Derek carefully took Stiles hand. Stiles couldn't believe he was actually doing this.

"Where are we going?" Derek said holding on to Stiles' hand as they started walking.

"Our Date slash Field Trip is kind of a suprise." It felt a little odd to say that out loud.

"I haven't been on a date in a long time either. Unless you can't the time Issac set me on a blind date." Stiles squeezed Derek's hand tight.

Their first stop was a street corner watching a group of dancing on a street. There was a reason Stiles had brought him here.

"What do you see?" Stiles asked. Derek carefully watched the group of dancers move to the music. The smiles on their face, they say each movement just flowed.

"They move so effortlessly, almost like you do," Derek answered. Stiles thought maybe Derek paid more attention to him then he thought.

"That's because they dance with their hearts and not their minds." Stiles brought Derek closer to the front.

It seemed like their date had a theme to it. What was missing from Derek was that he didn't dance with heart. Not the way Stiles did. He noticed it when they went to the arcade.

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