The Mysterious Disappearance of Stiles Stilinski

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"Derek?" Stiles turned off the music. Derek lowered his arms looking at Stiles. "What's with you today?" They had been practicing all evening. Derek wasn't dancing to the music at all. He kept making simple mistakes. At one point they collied into each other head first. Stiles thought it was because they still weren't in sync with each other. But, watching Derek dance alone, he could see something was off with him.

"Where is your head at today?" Stiles questioned. "I thought your hearing aid would help. But since you've been wearing it, your dancing has been off." Derek was trying his best to focus. It was impossible to focus when he kept thinking about Stiles. Ever since the night at Allison's house, he's been worried. His heart had betrayed him and he didn't know what to do.

"I'm just having an off day." Stiles figured maybe they were pushing too hard.

"You aren't connecting to the music at all." Stiles had noticed no matter what song they picked it didn't seem right for Derek. They tried five songs so far. "It's like there is no emotion when you dance. Your movements are perfect, but you need to be flawless is drowning out your emotions."

"There isn't anything wrong with the music." Derek liked most of the songs they tried to work with.

"Then tell me." Stiles pressed play. The song continued on. "What do you feel when you hear this song?" Derek listened. He had heard the song at least seven times today.

"I have no idea." Stiles stopped the music.

"That is because you aren't listening with your heart." He figured this was because Derek never had to connect with the music. He always kept count because he couldn't fully hear the music. "We are taking a field trip tonight."

"We need to be practicing Stiles." Derek pointed out.

"Will consider our filed trip practice." He needed Derek to relax. "Wear something nice and I'll pick you up at eight. Have few quarters with you, we will need them." Derek wondered what for.

Stiles figured Derek wasn't as relaxed as he should be. That he put too much thought into each movement. He wondered if Derek had always been that way. So tense and tight nit. Stiles wasn't sure if this was part of Derek's personality or was it a habit he picked up as a result of losing his hearing. Either way, they weren't going to get anywhere this way. Not when they had two different dance styles and methods.

Before Stiles could get his key in the front door his cell phone rang. He recognized the screaming ringtone as the one he set for his mother.

"Hey, Mom." Stiles said he answered the phone with one hand. He carefully u locked the front door and went inside.

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