Boys Of The Wild

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He is so beautiful. WHY CAN'T I TOUCH HIM! (licks screen)
Don't judge me people.....


Derek came into the bedroom slowly tip toeing. He walked over to the window and set down the bag in his hands. Slowly opening the blinds he watched Stiles hide under the blanket.

"Deeeerek." Stiles groaned not wanting to wake up. "It's my birthday, please let me sleep in." Normally every morning Derek had Stiles up for their morning run. It had been three years. Three years full of things like their first trip to another country and their first fight. They first time being apart when Stiles went away to London for four months. Stiles health had improved. So much that he was taken off all medication except his iron pills.

"We are about to go running in the park." Derek lied. Stiles snatched back the blanket giving Derek angry eyes. The expression faded when Stiles saw Derek standing over the bed. He was holding a large arrangement of floors. "Happy Birthday." Derek gave Stiles the flowers.

"I told you not to make a big deal." Stiles had been going over and over with Derek about not doing anything. The year before they went skydiving for his birthday. It had cost Derek a lot of money that he been secretly saving without Stiles notice. "We are supposed to be saving money for something really big."

"I promise, nothing big this year like you said. But it's not every day my favorite person turns twenty-one and you love when I make a big deal about your birthday." Derek kissed Stiles cheek. Stiles absolutely loved when Derek went out his way to make a big deal about him.

"That's true, but we are still suppose to be saving money." They had no idea what they were saving for, but whatever it was for that wanted it to be something for the two of them. Derek picked up gift back.

"I promise, this is the only thing I spent a lot of money on. Just gonna be a nice boring home cooked meal like you asked, nothing fancy. Unless you want to do something else." Derek let Stiles dig through the bag. "Perhaps something with our friends?"

"Well, I've already told them I want to spend my birthday with just you." They haven't had time to do anything together since Derek started his new job. The commute to and from the job was an hour there and back. "Derek!" Stiles pulled at the box. It was a new tablet.

"I figured you would be able to do a lot more on here than with your laptop." Stiles stared at the box. "I bought an SD card for extra storage and it even allows you to multi-task. We use them all the time at work and it makes things easier. I thought maybe you would like it too. So please don't make me take back." Stiles stood up and hugged Derek tight. "Does that mean you like it."

"Of course I do." Derek hugged Stiles and kissed him.

"Good, because I already tossed out the receipt so I couldn't take it back." Stiles laughed. "We can do anything you want today. I'm all up to you. Just not spending the day on work or the basement." Stiles had been in the basement way too often. Working hard on a project for school.

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