Chapter 8 | Letter

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''Where's daddy?''

Asami placed a plate with a cut sandwich on the table in front of Kouta and sat down next to him after. ''He's away for today.'' She said, shoving the plate closer to the edge of the table to make it less likely that he'd spill any food. ''He'll come back tomorrow.''

Kouta picked up one of the pieces of the sandwich Asami made and cut for him. ''Is daddy at work?''

Asami pursed her lips before she replied. ''Something like that.'' She mumbled. ''And don't talk with your mouth full, Kouta. It's impolite.''

Kouta quickly closed his mouth and continued to chew while Asami watched him closely. She felt bad for lying to him, even if it was just a white lie. Madara didn't have a job, and neither did she. They were only relying on a friend for necessities like clothes and food while they were hiding here ever since they betrayed the village.

Kouta was far too young to understand the complicated situation they were in, so all Asami could do at moments like these was lie.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Kouta making eating noises. Sighing, she put her elbow on the table and leaned her head in her hand. ''Kouta,'' She spoke warningly. ''Keep your mouth closed.''

The boy was started by his mother's sudden and stern warning and nodded slowly. Asami noticed that her words surprised him and she gently ran her hand through his hair. ''Do you want another one?'' She asked, referring to the sandwich.

''Yes!'' Kouta beamed, and Asami stood up with a smile.

''Then I'll make one more for you.''


''Mommy!'' Kouta whined as he ran farther away from the house. ''Hurry up!''

Asami sighed as she locked the front door and put the key in her pocket. ''Be a little bit patient, Kou.'' She said, turning around, facing him. ''We have enough time.''

Kouta pouted but stopped insisting. Asami caught up with him and smiled, holding out her hand. Soon after, she felt a small hand grab hers and they started to walk.

It wasn't only freezing cold, but it was also snowing again. While Asami preferred to stay inside near the fireplace, Kouta didn't seem to mind the cold at all. Winter was his favorite season after all.

''Did you forget your gloves?'' Asami asked as she gave his hand a gentle squeeze. ''Should we go back to get them?"

Kouta shook his head and started to walk faster. After having to wait 'long' before he could finally go outside, he had no intention  of turning back, even if it was just to get something. ''Mommy doesn't have gloves, too.''

''But I'm not going to play in the snow,'' Asami argued. ''Should we go back or not?''

He shook his head again, and Asami sighed at his stubbornness. She knew very well where he got that from. ''It's not my fault if your hands are going to hurt  because of the cold.'' She mumbled.

Kouta didn't react to that and kept walking. No words were exchanged the next few minutes, but neither of them seemed to mind the silence. It was also nice to listen to the rustling leaves and the snow crunching underneath their shoes. For some reason, those sounds made Asami feel peaceful.

But the peacefulness didn't last long.

A few meters away from her, Asami noticed footprints visible in the snow. Narrowing her eyes, she waited until they were closer. Kouta looked up at her in confusion after she'd suddenly stopped walking and tugged at her hand. ''Mommy?''

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