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Asami brushed her delicate fingers across his sharp jawline, her eyes lingering on the places she had touched in a gentle manner. The enjoyable feeling of his smooth skin beneath her soft fingertips was something she could never get enough of.

She bit her lip, keeping her eyes on his beautiful face as she brought her hand to his cheek. While most people wouldn't understand it, she genuinely thought of herself as a lucky woman. 

Fortunate to have him. 

He had a lot of flaws; his attitude could be quite problematic at times and the limited amount of emotions visible on his face made it difficult to see what he was thinking or feeling, but that didn't matter. It was all changeable, but he didn't have to change.

Perfection is unreachable after all.

And those 'imperfections' made him only more appealing. Who would Madara be if those flaws were taken from him? Obviously not the guy she fell in love with. The impressive story he carried with him, the compassion hidden behind that mask with a stoic expression, which had slowly merged with his face, and the way he could be just like an unsolvable puzzle sometimes made him all the more interesting.

A small smile graced her features as she let her thumb run over his bottom lip. She repeated the action multiple times before she leaned down, giving him a soft kiss on the corner of his lips.

Her smile widened when she felt his hand run up her clothed back. ''We should probably get up.'' Asami murmured quietly, letting her fingers run through his wild locks. ''It's already almost noon.''

Madara simply hummed in response and lazily opened his eyes, looking around the room. The bright sunlight splayed itself through the small openings between the blinds. Sleeping in was one of the few things he'd gotten used to. While the faintest light or sound would wake him a few years ago, he'd sleep even if the most dazzling rays of the sun were shining down on him now. Okay, that was an exaggeration, but it was true that a bit of sunlight didn't rouse him like it would in the past.

Asami raised her eyebrows at him when Madara looked at her through half-lidded eyes. ''What?'' She asked, but Madara simply shook his head. Asami sighed and gave him a gentle and playful push. ''I'm going to take a shower now. You better not be asleep by the time I'm done.'' She spoke while trying to look stern, but both Asami and Madara knew that strictness didn't suit her at all.

A sheepish smile settled on her face as she got off the bed. ''I'm serious, though.'' She murmured as she walked toward the bathroom. She didn't enter it yet, but stopped in the doorway. Looking over her shoulder, she sent Madara one more smile, but this time it was a warm and sincere one. ''We promised Kou, remember?''


''Get ready when you finish that, okay?'' Asami asked as she handed Kouta the sandwich she had made for him.

Kouta nodded enthusiastically and took the bread from her before stuffing it in his mouth. Asami sighed, but couldn't suppress a small grin. He was just too adorable, but she was still going to scold him. ''It's not healthy if you eat too quickly.''

Kouta obviously didn't like it, which Asami easily noticed when she saw the dissatisfied look on his face, but he did as she told him and started to chew slower. His cheeks felt incredibly soft when she stroked then with the back of her fingers. Letting her hand run through his short locks, she leaned forward and pressed a kiss against his forehead. ''If you listen to to me and don't run off like you did last time, I'll ask Keiji if he'll take you to the village again.''

At those words, Kouta's face brightened up and the widest smile Asami had ever seen played on his lips. She was glad that there was something that could make him this happy, especially since he never really had anything he'd enjoy ever since he was born, aside from taking walks. But while she was pleased, she also felt downhearted. Neither she nor Madara were able to bring him such happiness, while a simple village made his eyes shine so bright that it almost equaled the sun. ''Really?" He asked, almost as if he didn't believe her.

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