Chapter 25 | Cowardice

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Here comes that question again XD.. Is Madara OOC? Character development is important to me but I'm not sure if I did it the right way. Anway, enjoy!

As always, please tell me if you find any errors :)


''You know,'' Asami mused, pressing her cheek against his shoulder. ''Maybe it's not all that bad, living a reclusive life here with you and Kouta.''

Madara hummed softly and drew shapes on the small of her back, liking the warmth of her practically nude body against his own, especially with the lack of sheets. 

''I've had my doubts,'' Asami continued, draping an arm around his slim waist. ''But I'm sure now. Here, there's no disturbance, and we can do whatever we want, though we can't leave the area around the house. No judgment, no prejudice, just the three of us.''

Madara stared at the ceiling, listening to her and thinking about her words. Ending up here, in the middle of nowhere was the result of a failed plan. He lost his village, his status, his clan, and got a lot of free time and a family in return. To him, a combination of what he no longer had and what he gained would be the best, but he had to agree with Asami, this wasn't half bad.

All the attention, the tasks and the responsibilities that came with it, being a leader, he didn't mind. He wanted to be the best, to stand at the top, but it was nice to go to sleep not having to worry about anything, without having to wake up and face another busy day filled with meetings, paperwork, and supervision. Now, his days were filled with relaxation and he could spend them with the only people he had left in his life.

It was nice.

Madara was about to react to her comment, but a loud knock on the front door preceded him. It was easy to hear since the hall where the front door was, was right beneath them. The window was also left ajar.

Madara heaved a sigh and let Asami move away before he sat up. She buried her face into the pillow which smelled like flowers and watched Madara as he quickly slipped on some sweats over his boxers. Guilt bubbled up when she saw the dark spots on his back. While she was having her small panic attack, he calmed her down, comforted her, and even when she hurt him he didn't even flinch or complain. She felt bad, incredibly bad.

''I'll be right back.'' Madara said, and Asami nodded in response before he disappeared out of the room.

Madara hadn't even bothered to put on a shirt, but it didn't matter. It was just Keiji and Kouta after all. He reached the bottom of the stairs and made his way through the small house to the front door. Keiji was knocking again when Madara opened the only thing that was left between them. 

Keiji stood there, one fist still in the air while he kept a sleeping Kouta against him with the other hand. The both of them looked tired, but Keiji was still smiling like an idiot. ''Hello, Madara-sama,'' He spoke, carefully handing Kouta to him. ''I've come to return your son.''

Madara took the dozing boy from him and gently placed him against his chest. His small and cold fingers lay on Madara's shoulders, cooling down his heated skin. Madara looked down at him, stroking his plump cheek.

''Then I'll get going again. I don't want to worry Kaede.'' Keiji sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. ''I'll see you in a few days. Have a good night, Madara-sama.''

He turned around and started to walk away. Madara raised his gaze from Kouta to the man who was returning to Konoha, and he called out to him. ''Keiji.''

The forest was dark and almost impossibly silent, so Keiji's ears immediately pricked up when he heard his name. Less than a second later, he had already turned around. ''Yes, Madara-sama?''

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