Chapter 7 | Despicable

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Sorry for the long wait! Here's an extra long chapter ^^ I am not really satisfied with it because I have the feeling it's all over the place so please let me know what you think. I can always edit the chapter is something doesn't make any sense.


Madara looked into the mirror as he put the towel he just used to dry himself around his shoulders. Now his hair was still wet, he could see how long it truly was.

And it was too long.

It was a bother. A hindrance. Not only that, but it also didn't suit him at all. Even though he has always had long hair, this was just too much. He wanted to cut it.

While looking into the mirror, he saw Asami entering the bedroom, carrying a laundry basket with folded clothes. She looked exhausted, which was understandable. Much has happened the last few days after all.

Asami put down the basket next to the closet and walked further into the room. Madara could not see where she went. The only things he could see in the mirror were the door that connected the hallway and the bedroom and the closet.

Suddenly, Madara heard some cracking sounds. Frowning, he left the bathroom and looked to the right. He saw Asami struggling with the window latch. She pulled at it, but it wouldn't open. Madara sighed and it took him a few silent strides to reach her. Standing behind her, he put his hand over hers and gave the latch a hard pull, opening the window. Asami flinched. She hadn't noticed him at all.

''This house is old,'' Madara said. ''You have to pull harder.''

Asami left the window ajar and turned around. ''I've been struggling with this thing ever since I came here.'' She murmured, and then she smiled softly. ''Thank you.''

''It's nothing to thank me for.'' He said as he turned his gaze to the window. ''You know it's still winter. Isn't it better to keep the window closed?''

Asami shrugged and walked past him, back to the laundry basket. ''It smells a bit fusty in here.'' She said as she opened the closet. ''It's fine for a few minutes.''

Madara didn't continue the conversation. He merely watched Asami as she lifted the piles of clothing out of the basket and put them on the shelves. Asami noticed this. She felt his eyes on her, which didn't bother her at first. But later on, she began to feel uncomfortable.

Groaning, she looked over her shoulder and gave him a slight glare. ''Is there something you need?'' She asked, sounding quite irked.

Madara sat down on the bed and rubbed his temple in fatigue. Asami wasn't the only one who was tired. ''Actually,'' He started. ''There is something.''

Asami frowned and the glare disappeared from her face. She didn't expect him to really need something. And to think that h was going to ask something from her. Normally, he'd rather do things by himself.

''Really?'' Asami asked surprised as she returned to lifting the small piles out of the basket. ''What is it, then?''

''I want you to cut my hair.''

Asami put the clothes on the shelf before she turned around. It was a request she definitely didn't expect. She also didn't understand why he wanted to cut his hair in the first place. Now she was fully facing him, Asami took the chance to take a good look. His hair had grown over the years, but did those few centimeters really matter?''

Asami pursed her lips and tilted her head a bit. ''Why?'' She questioned, not really seeing a problem. ''Isn't it fine this way?''

Madara grunted and stood up, taking a few strands in his hands. ''It's too long.'' He grumbled. ''It's annoying.''

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