Chapter 16 | Truth

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Almost 4000 words... I spent my whole day writing this XD. I wanted to finish this 'arc' so I put everything in one chapter instead of making two parts of it. Enjoy!

I'm sure there will be errors in here since it's such a long chapter (and Wattpad was also acting weird) so if you see one don't hesitate to correct!


''Asami,'' Mito started, wiping her tears as a small smile formed on her lips. ''You've changed quite a bit." Mito took a few strands of her sister's hair in her hand and let them fall again. ''Your hair is shorter and you don't wear the red kimono you used to wear all the time. It'll take me a while to get used to your new look.''

Asami chuckled and looked down at her clothes. She was just wearing a thick coat with a sweater underneath. ''I still wear the kimono sometimes.'' She spoke. ''But since there is no reason for me to wear more formal clothes anymore, I just wear regular ones more often now.''

Mito's smile faded slightly and she looked down. ''No reason anymore, huh?'' She whispered softly. Asami realized her poor choice of words and grabbed Mito's arm firmly, giving it a reassuring squeeze. ''It's fine really.'' She spoke softly. ''It's fine this way.''

Mito pressed her lips together, not entirely buying it. Asami's expression also didn't match her words. She didn't look fine.

She looked sad.

Suddenly, Mito took Asami's hands in hers, which made Asami look up from the ground to her sister's face. A smile reappeared on Mito's face and she rubbed her thumb over Asami's fingers. ''I can give you a reason.'' She offered her slowly, hope and optimism obviously visible in her eyes.

''Come back to Konoha with me.''


Madara stared at the clock on the wall, getting annoyed by how slow time was passing. It's been about 80 minutes since Asami left with Keiji to meet up with Mito. He felt disappointed and frustrated when he first find out about this secretly arranged meeting, but after these feelings of indignation subsided, he started to understand why Asami chose not to say anything until after her return.

That didn't mean that he was okay with it, though.

He wasn't okay with it at all.


''E-Excuse me?'' Asami stuttered, blinking in surprise. For a mere moment, the offer sounded very, very appealing to her. Being surrounded by people, by familiar faces, and the way the village that was her previous home evoked feelings of warmth, coziness, and security seemed suddenly so alluring to her. There was no denying that Asami had thought about going back before, she was even thinking about it now, but these short moments of nostalgia quickly passed after she reminded herself that she now had the most precious people to her in her life, which she couldn't have if she lived in Konoha.

Since combining her wishes was impossible, she had to choose. And it was a choice easily made.

Keiji started to worry when Asami seemed so seriously consider Mito's proposal. ''Asami.'' He hissed, grabbing her attention. She turned her head to look at him, still with the same expression on her face, waiting for him to say what he wanted. Keiji, who stood a few meters away from the sisters to give them more privacy, shook his head in a rushed manner, telling Asami to turn down Mito's offer. Asami chuckled inwardly. Keiji didn't need to tell her what to do. She didn't even have a choice to begin with. Everything was already decided when she left the village.

Mito noticed Keiji's frantic movements and looked at Asami, who nodded at the Uchiha, in confusion. ''Asami?''

The youngest of the three pursed her lips and pulled her hands out of those of her sister, grabbing them instead. ''I really appreciate the offer, Mito.'' Asami started, smiling softly. ''But I have to say no. I can't go back with you.''

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