Chapter 18 | Serenity

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It's 2 AM. Even though I checked everything, there have to be mistakes here and there. As always, I'd really appreciate it if  you'd correct them :)

This chapter is dedicated to Zarine212. This one left a crazy amount of comments. In two days there were more than 200 comments posted on 'Mito's Sister', and most of them belonged to this user! That's absolutely insane, so you totally deserve a dedication :) Thanks!


''I'm sorry.'' Asami apologized again, her fingers playing with the fabric of his shirt. ''For keeping silent.'' She pressed her lips together before she spoke again. ''For being selfish.''

Madara looked at her from the corners of his eyes as he walked into their room. He wanted to see what kind of facial expression she made while saying that, but he was only able to see a part of her jawline and her right ear. Sighing, he bent over the bed and put Asami down on the mattress.

Slowly and almost hesitantly, Asami retracted her arms, unconsciously letting her hands glide over his shoulders, which made Madara narrow his eyes at her. Pursing her lips, Asami crossed her legs and started to pull at the loose threads of her pants. "Hey, Madara?'' She murmured quietly, looking down at her fingers. ''I said some pretty mean things downstairs.'' She breathed softly before looking up. That way, she'd seem more sincere, and that's exactly what she wanted. ''I didn't mean any of it. I'm actually very glad that.. uhm.'' Asami took another breath and put her hands together. She actually felt a bit embarrassed to say it, but she did it anyway. She wanted him to know. A soft smile made its way on her face before she spoke. ''I'm really glad that you're here.'' She mumbled softly. ''I really am.''

Madara's hard and narrowed eyes softened slowly. He didn't see that coming, not at all. It surprised him, but he couldn't deny that her words eased a few of his worries. It was impossible for him to think of this house as his home, that was something he had come to realize. After all, he didn't have a home anymore, he didn't have a place to belong, but he did belong with these people; with Asami and Kouta.

After a few seconds of silence, Madara looked away from her and started taking off his gloves. ''Thank you.'' He muttered, throwing the gloves on the nightstand, sending her one last glance before he turned around.

Words of gratitude.

Asami's smile widened. She never thought she was able to get those words out of him so it made her incredibly happy to hear him say that.

Happier than he could ever imagine.

When she noticed that Madara intended to walk away, her hand reached out to grasp his sleeve. Asami took hold of the fabric and didn't let go. There was more she wanted to tell him. Not only about her thoughts, but also about what happened with Mito. She didn't want to start an argument again, but there were things he needed to know, things she wanted him to know.

''Is something wrong?'' Madara asked, now turned around, facing Asami. A slight frown appeared on his face, and it wasn't an annoyed one for once.

Asami blinked, realizing her involuntary action and quickly let go of him, bringing her hands back to her own body. ''Ah, sorry.'' She whispered, stammering somewhat. ''Nothing's wrong. It's just..''

''Just what?''

Asami pressed her lips together, smiling a bit. Her mind went blank. She didn't know how to say it. She didn't even know how to start. What she wanted to tell wasn't a big deal, but Asami couldn't help but worry, which made her reluctant to tell him. ''It's not important.'' She spoke, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed. ''I'll tell you later.'''

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